HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 37

Fiction: Group 1
Pearl River Delta
Korean International School, Arora, Ekaansh - 7, Fiction: Group 1
n Christmas Eve, me and my friend Henry were thinking of meeting Santa Claus and asking him
for a few gifts.We has heard that Santa will be coming near Pearl River Delta in China on
Christmas Eve.
So we thought of going to Pearl River Delta on Christmas.We took train from Hong Kong to China which
would take us directly to Pearl River Delta in Guandong province.We had heard Pearl River Delta had many
good things to see like tropical beaches and snowy mountains.When we reached Pearl River Delta somebody
told us about a place where there was a Christmas play house which had magical experience for kids. Here
children could come face to face with Santa and some other Christmas characters. Immediately, me and my
friend Henry decided to visit Christmas play house. Finally, we reached there and saw many children waiting
outside the Christmas play house to meet Santa Claus.After a long pause, suddenly, Santa came out and
dozens of children started screaming and running towards him.We did the same too and finally shook hands
with Santa.We told Santa that we wanted Boom Boom Basher and a Toy Tanker. Santa did some magic with
his hand and suddenly the toys appeared in our hands and we were thrilled.We thanked Santa for sharing
good time with us and giving us the gifts. It was a great moment for us.
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