HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 336

Fiction: Group 2
The Dragon Amulet
Kau Yan School, Webb, Stephanie - 10, Fiction: Group 2
here is nothing here, except a desolate road leading to nowhere, some occasional gusts of sandy
wind and a few palm trees in the distance. I sat on my bed, a glint of blazing hot sun shone through
the broken window, scorching me. With sweat trickling down my forehead, all I wanted was a sip
of cold water. Unfortunately, not only is there no cold water, there is almost no water at all! I live in Aoulef,
a small town in Algeria, where there’s only one small well that is the only source of water supply for
everyone who lives here. What’s more – the well is starting to dry up.
“Zara, supper is ready!” my mum called out.
“I’m not hungry! And I don’t want to eat your disgusting food!” I snapped.
“Now don’t you take that attitude with me!”
That was the last straw. I bolted down the stairs and shouted at my mum, “I’M FED UP WITH IT
My whole face was soaked in tears; I ran up the stairs and collapsed on my bed. I could hear my
mother’s calls, but they sounded distant. I started missing my dad desperately. Before he died, he was an
adventurer. He had travelled widely, but he didn’t make much money, so we couldn’t afford to move
Unless it rains, we are going to die of thirst sooner or later. Unfortunately, it almost never rains
I clutched my most prized-possession, a necklace that had been given to me by my father before he died.
Hanging at its bottom was an amulet of four dragons. My father had explained that they created the four
most famous rivers in China: Black River, Long River, Yellow River and Pearl River. My favorite dragon
has pearl-colored scales, with a humongous pearl in its mouth.
With tears streaming down my face, I felt totally helpless. Suddenly, everything started spinning,
then I blacked-out.
Slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked. I was lying on a soft patch of grass - on my left stood a hill covered
with trees, on my right, a river flowed endlessly past rolling hills. My parched mouth and dry throat urged
me to take a sip from the river, but I restrained myself,
who knows where this water has come from
? I
thought. Suddenly, I felt a searing pain in my hand, as if I was being burnt by hot wax. I looked down and
my heart skipped a beat, the amulet of my necklace was glowing! Especially my favorite pearl-colored
dragon. “Where am I?” I wondered out loud. Immediately, the ground started to shake and a low-pitched
growl echoed through the woods. “What-t-ts ha-ap-pning?”
Then, from out of the ground emerged a huge dragon which looked exactly like my favorite dragon from
the amulet, it was the creator of the Pearl River! This creature had intricate patterns on its back, patterns
that were shaped like pearls. It had round, piercing blue eyes, sturdy legs and a pink glow all over.
“Who are you?” it growled at me. Even though it sounded aggressive, it had a gentle expression.
“M-my name is Zara Attia.” I replied, trembling. The dragon stepped closer to me, every step it
took shook the whole ground, until it was right in front of me. It then opened its mouth and its bad breath
which stank of rotten socks and sardines instantly enveloped me. I was bracing myself for the worst, until…
The dragon stepped back and bowed its head, “I truly thank you, Zara Attia, after centuries of waiting, you
just appeared out of thin air and awoke me. My name is Pearl, how may I ever repay my debt to you?”
On hearing that, I breathed a sigh of relief and replied awkwardly, “Ahhh…. Well I guess if you
don’t eat me I’ll be really happy.”
“Of course that doesn’t count as a repayment, I would never harm anyone! Choose something else,
like a gift of -”
I cut him off before he had a chance to finish. “Wait a second, how did I wake you up in the first
place? Where am I and how did I get here? AND how come you’ve been put to sleep?” I asked curiously.
“Ah, children, so inquisitive, to answer your first three questions, it was your amulet that brought
you here, the Pearl River. It was the same that had awoken me,” explained Pearl patiently, “Now, for your
fourth question, let me tell you the legend of the four dragons. My three brothers, Yellow, Eastern, Long
and I were loyal servants of the Jade Emperor. He adored humans and sent rain down to earth to feed their
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