HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 339

Fiction: Group 2
Bing has more brains and culture than you thought, you brats! Now go away before I tell the headmistress
of what you have just said.”
Bing was relieved and amused at what her friend had said. Suddenly, it dawned on her that not all
Hong Kongers are prejudiced against Mainland immigrants. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend
indeed”. Bing has discovered that she was not ostracized for Briar-Rose was her friend.
One morning near the end of the term, Bing came to school with swollen eyes and her head
down. To her dismay, Briar-Rose had discovered that Bing’s mother has accepted an invitation to teach at
Princeton University in the U.S. and they will be leaving Hong Kong at the beginning of Summer. Briar-
Rose felt like crying for to her this means losing a twin sister. From now on, Briar-Rose knows that school
will never be the same again. The class also suddenly felt a sense of loss. Probably because Bing had helped
them hear authentic Mandarin over the past year and they all appreciated that. In hind sight, they realized
that Bing was more of a contributor to the class than someone who wanted to steal their A’s or raid their
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