HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 342

Fiction: Group 2
Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Kennedy School, Caldwell, Sela - 10, Fiction: Group 2
hat! No! Not now! Why! You can’t make me move, never in a million years will I
move!’’ I had protested.
‘’I guess we’ll just have to move without you.’’ Angus teased, (His usual self) ‘Honey,
would you just give it a try?’ My mum pleaded, ‘It won’t be that bad, I promise’ she reasoned.
So before I knew it I was in the backseat, next to Angus, who was letting out large and loud hiccups every
other second, on the way to. ‘The dream home’ as mum and dad were now calling it. Dream home? Hah,
not even a house, it’s an apartment, it had three bedrooms, and, I and Angus had to share a bathroom! I am
disgusted, I may sound spoilt but I don’t care! This was weird!
‘See? Don’t you just love it!?’ Mum asked anxiously.
‘It’s cool’ I muttered. Mum could still keep her job as a chef, and dad could still keep his job as a teacher. But I
couldn’t keep my school! Angus’ school was close enough, but mine wasn’t. I bet that the teachers will not
know my name, and I will have to go. ‘Oh, yeah, um, my name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Liz, or
Lizzie.’ Then all the boys will snicker, and the teacher will be all like. ‘Well, Liz, you can sit right next to this
lovely lady over here, and, oh! Look! You have both got brown hair! You two are meant for each other.’ Ugh!
But, hey, at least mum or dad won’t have to go through
I think that it’s would be more awkward for them
then for us.
But all that changed the next day when mum came bursting through the door, her hair flying, her eyes fiery
with rage.
‘What? What happened?’ I questioned worriedly, spotting her blotched, tear stained face.
‘’ I lost my job, that’s what!’’ She cried, I flinched at this sudden explosion, I wasn’t expecting it. But I sat
her down and rocked her back and forth like she used to do when I was six years old, when I would of fell
down and tripped myself up or got embarrassed at school by a bully.
She clung to me, sobbing. I was terrified, what would happen to us? Sooner or later dad would have to
transfer to a supply. What a mess what a big, big mess.
‘I knew that we should not have moved.’ I muttered under my breath. As soon as I said it, I flinched, I
didn’t say that, I can’t of,
could I of said that? I don’t say stuff like that! Mum must have agreed. She
reared up and bellowed
‘’Do you really think that
caused all this? Well, I didn’t!’’ She sobbed. Her hand came up, and lashed across
my cheek. I was stunned, mum
slapped me.
‘I’m… I’m so sorry!’ She gasped, reeling away from me in shock. I knew she was, she really was, but I didn’t
accept the apology, instead, I raced up the hall, pushing past Angus, who was staring at it all.
I raced into the bedroom, my cheek didn’t sting anymore, but my heart did, I had said the most horrible
thing, at the worst time ever, and I’m blaming it on my mum, who just lost her job, and feels like a
complete failure. And I just made it worse. I couldn’t face going there, the silence would be really loud, but
that wouldn’t stop me as I was slowly dragging my feet down the hall. Mum was sitting on the couch, in a
pool of shock. Her face was a mask of guilt, for what I had blamed her for. I wanted to run to her arms, to
sob, and have her rock me, and tell me that everything was okay, even though that we would both know
that nothing was okay, nothing at all
My feet padded over to the window, and I gazed at the dawning sky, with stars fading into the purple and
orange sky, this was just like a normal day, except that, well, it wasn’t normal at all, but it was, at the same
time. All of a sudden, I noticed something, the stars were forming some strange symbols in the sky, and it
was a letter in Chinese! We learn it at school, I squinted at the message.
说 对不起
I raced downstairs, tears streaming down my face, and collided into mum, where I gave her the biggest hug
you could imagine. There was a knock at the door, mum smoothed down her dress (
the ugly one) and
opened the door, where a desperate looking lady stood waiting.
‘Would you be interested in trying out to be a hairdresser at our company?’ Everything about her was calm,
but her eyes were darting around, all of a sudden she gabbled. ‘Please! There are orders everywhere, and we
need to get someone!’
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