HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 340

Fiction: Group 2
Rebecca and Yip
Kau Yan School, Gittings, Rebecca - 9, Fiction: Group 2
here was an 11-year-old girl called Rebecca. She lived in Hong Kong, but she found life in Hong
Kong boring. She was always dreaming of going on adventures to more exciting places. She wanted
to see if she could survive by herself. She was so desperate to go on an adventure that she had
packed a survival bag with essential items such as a flashlight, a penknife and some string.
One day, while she was checking the contents of her survival bag, an envelope unexpectedly landed
on her desk. She quickly opened it and found a greenish-grey letter inside with the message: “Do you want
to go on an adventure?” But the letter didn’t say where the adventure would be. The only clue was a
Chinese white dolphin stamp. She thought about it, and remembered that the Pearl River Delta is one of
the main places where Chinese white dolphins live.
The day was hot and humid. She could see a mist outside. Suddenly it came swirling into her bedroom
like a gentle tornado. She fell asleep. When she woke up, she was alongside a greenish-grey river which was
wider than anything she had ever seen before. She was so happy to be on an adventure at last! But where
was she? Then she remembered the Chinese white dolphin stamp on the letter. “It must be the Pearl
River,” she thought.
Her stomach began to rumble. She realized she was hungry. "What?! It's lunchtime already?" exclaimed
Rebecca. She saw a big fish in a hidden pond. She used the technique her father had taught her (stabbing a
stick into the fish) to kill it. Then she cooked up the fish and ate it. After she was full, she gathered twigs
and tree branches and built a shelter for the night. She got a fire burning outside and soon she had a usable
but not very comfortable bed. When she had finished, she was very proud of herself. She had proved she
could survive by herself. She wished her mom and dad were there to see it. For dinner, she ate some fruits.
She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the bed.
When she woke up the next morning, she stepped outside to look for food and water. She soon found
some fruits and a fresh water stream. Then she saw a Chinese white dolphin resting near the river bank. It
looked like it was crying. She crept closer and felt sorry for the dolphin because it had a wound. She
examined the wound closely and could see it was not an ordinary wound. There were ugly colours, and it
was swollen very badly. She looked up and saw a factory on the opposite river bank, with a pipe spewing
liquid with the same ugly colours into the water. “The wound must’ve come from that polluting liquid,”
she thought.
She wanted to help the dolphin. Luckily, she had her survival bag and dug through it and found a
bandage just the right size for the wound. She reached out slowly, and carefully put an antiseptic bandage on
the dolphin. The dolphin could sense she was trying to help and so it did not try to swim away. After she
had bandaged the dolphin, it made a happy yip sound, so Rebecca named the dolphin Yip.
The more she looked at the dolphin’s wound, the more determined she was to try and save other
dolphins from being injured by the pollution in the same way. She thought long and hard about how she
could help. Then she reached into her survival bag and got out some cloth, string and a marker. She wrote
on the cloth in big letters: “Don't Pollute the Pearl River Delta!" She wanted more people to see the
message so she attached the string to the cloth and made a simple kite. She waited for the wind to blow
towards the factory. Then she let go of the kite. It flew up, up and away, until it was above the factory.
Suddenly, as if by magic, the wind stopped and the kite fell down right at the factory entrance.
Rebecca could see many people walking into the factory. They all ignored her kite and some even
trampled on it until one kind-looking woman stopped to look at her kite. She studied the kite thoughtfully
with a puzzled expression. Then the woman took it into the factory.
Rebecca went back to Yip: “I’m sorry we are hurting you. We must stop this before your friends get
hurt.” It seemed like the dolphin could understand her, because Yip starting flicking its tail so vigorously
that Rebecca was splashed repeatedly. “Hey, you’ve got me all wet!” complained Rebecca. But she had a
playful smile on her face as Yip continued splashing her. So Rebecca had to go off and change her clothes,
and spread out the wet clothes to dry on top of her shelter.
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