HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 42

Fiction: Group 1
The Adventures of Pinky the Pearl River Delta Dolphin
Peak School, Crewe,Amelia - 7, Fiction: Group 1
nce upon a time in the old days when people went between Hong Kong and Macau by sailing
ships, there lived a family of dolphins in the Pearl River Delta. Mama and Papa dolphin, Pinky
their daughter and Stinky, Pinky’s little brother. He wasn’t really called Stinky but you know
little brothers tend to be that way!
It was summer and a big storm was hitting the delta. A big sailing ship was caught in the storm. On the ship
were the Smith family from England and the Captain had told them to stay inside but Esther the young girl
was interested to see the storm and had sneaked up the ladder. Just then a big wave hit the ship and Esther
fell into the sea. Her Mummy and Daddy heard the scream but could do nothing to help.
In a cave, the dolphin family were huddled together trying to avoid the big waves. Suddenly Pinky heard a
human scream out to sea. She was worried as she quite liked humans because they were funny looking. She
swam straight out the cave even though Papa dolphin shouted at her to stop.
Pinky swam as fast as she could towards the screams and found little Esther trying her best to keep her head
out of the water. Pinky put herself under the Esther and Esther hung on to her fin. She then swam back to
the beach with Esther on her back.
When they got back to the beach. Pinky was so exhausted she had to sleep but mommy and daddy and
Stinky put their bodies close to Esther to keep her warm.
The next day the storm had stopped and out to sea the dolphins could see a small boat. On it were some
humans shouting out Esther’s name. It was her Mummy and Daddy who had survived and were looking for
Esther. The dolphin family took Esther on their backs to the boat and when the parents saw the pink
dolphins there were scared but then they realised the dolphins had saved Esther they were very happy.
Pinky went on to have many more adventures with humans and that is why sailors always feel safe when
they see pink dolphins in a storm.
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