HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 43

Fiction: Group 1
Pirates of the Pearl River Delta
Peak School, Crewe,Aiden - 7, Fiction: Group 1
ong long ago there were some pirates. They weren’t any ordinary pirates. They were the pirates of
the Pearl River Delta. The pirates were very interested in money and wanted to be rich. One day
the captain found a map. The map would lead the crew to a very famous treasure chest called the
Dead Mans Will.
The chest belonged to Captain One Eye. He was called this because he wore an eye patch. Captain One Eye
stole this treasure chest from a Spanish Caribbean Ship. The chest was full of gold coins and gold bars. The
next day the crew set off to an island called the Pearl River Island. Captain One Eye put a spell on the
treasure chest. The spell was if anyone got the treasure chest there ship would sink. The Pirates were most
interested in the gold.They knew that there where dangers in the Pearl River Delta but that didn’t stop them
from going ahead.
Two days after there was a very big storm and two of the crew fell off the boat. All of a sudden two sharks
appeared and started eating the men! The crew couldn’t do anything. The next day the pirates were very sad.
The storm and sharks had killed two of the crew. While the crew where getting closer to the treasure they
noticed a jungle was getting closer and closer to the river bank. They spotted snakes hanging from the trees
and nasty poisonous spiders and they had never seen so many mosquitos in there life. Now they knew that it
was a very hazardous mission and decided not to continue so they wanted to turn back to the island that they
came from but they couldn’t so someone brave had to swim in the ocean to see what was wrong. The
person who went down into the ocean also had to know how to swim. By the time they had been chosen it
was already 4: 00 in the afternoon. That meant that the guy who was going under the boat or in the ocean
had to be quick. When he went under the boat he saw a shark blocking the fin of the boat. He wanted to go
back to the island that he came from so he decided to fight the shark. When he got close to the shark the
crew started the engine again but that did not stop him from fighting the shark. When he was just
approximately 1 inch away from the shark the shark turned around and saw him! Then he thought that was
the time to start fighting the shark so he fought the shark. You may be wondering how he fought the shark?
So I’m better off telling you. How he fought the shark was that he would use a hand-held harpoon. One
shot took the shark down. The pirate went up and asked for the ladder so that he could get up. After he got
up the crew had no trouble going back.
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