HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 52

Fiction: Group 1
Revenge of the River Goddess
St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School, Tang,Audrey - 9, Fiction: Group 1
ian Tian, what’s happening? Tell me! Please!” I stared in shock at my best friend Tian Tian, who
was very ill.
Tian Tian gasped for air.“Humans and pollution……” she stuttered.
“You are NOT dying on me!” I said firmly.Tears streamed from my eyes, but I didn’t care. I had to
save my best friend.
I watched, grief-stricken, as Tian Tian’s breathing became ragged. This could not be happening! Here
was my best friend, dying right in front of my eyes.“Help me, ” she groaned, and she didn’t move.
Suddenly, my misery turned to rage. I just had to punish those cruel humans. For years, we, the
Chinese White Dolphins, have been living among the sea plants and swimming among the clear and gentle
waves in the Pearl River.The Delta region used to have many trees and flowers. Everywhere I looked, I saw
green.The ponds and lakes shimmered and the air was fresh. In the distance was a village where the villagers
worked together to fish, farm and hunt. But now, all the beauty of nature had been replaced by factories,
apartments and buildings.The air which was once fresh is now smelly, smoggy and polluted.The crystal water
is now murky. How gross! Now many of my companions have died of sickness and were facing the brutal fate
of extinction!
Now I knew what I had to do for the good of all theWhite Dolphins.Take revenge! I swam towards
the River Goddess’ palace and asked her to help me.
This was an important mission, so I bravely stepped forward and said, “Your Highness, humans have
been dumping sewage and industrial waste into the rivers for decades and many of us have died because of
this pollution.We see no way out and we need your help. Help us please!”
The River Goddess studied me intently with those sea-green eyes of hers. Finally, she gave in.
“Alright!” she sighed in exasperation. “Just for you, I’m going to be sending a message along with a chest full
of treasure. If humans swear to stop polluting the river, I shall give them treasure. But if they do not ……”
A shadow passed over her face. I decided this wasn’t the best time to push her.
Meanwhile, in the world of the humans, word spread quickly that if they stopped spoiling the rivers,
they would have loads of treasure! So they promised not to pollute anymore.As the river became cleaner,Tian
Tian regained her strength and rejoined our school!
However, after a while, the humans forgot their promise and sadly started polluting the river again.
The River Goddess was furious! She left her palace and went to the humans. The humans were terrified at
the sight of her.They tried to fight her, but she raised her hand in a “Stop” gesture. She then cursed the land
by sending floods occasionally. That way, the people would always be reminded of their promise to love and
respect Nature.
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