he 2011 Census recorded
17,665 single fathers in
Hong Kong, a number
that has risen significantly
in the past decade. Add to this
number all the expat dads flying solo,
and you’ve got a lot of single dads in
the city.
Getting ‘back in the game’ after a
divorce is quite possibly the last thing
on the minds of single dads. There’s
a lot for dads to consider: Am I ready
for love? Do I have time to date? How
will this affect my kids? Where do I
even start?!
For those single dads out there
who are ready to dip their toes in the
dating pool,
has done a little
research to help you along your way.
We spoke to dating expert Kaitlin
Kapur, one of Hong Kong’s leading
matchmakers and the Managing
Director of the city’s most exclusive
dating service, Anteros International.
She’s also the partner of a once-single
dad, so she’s living proof it’s possible
to fall in love a second time.
We also picked the brains of a
few dads who are back in the game.
These dads kindly (but anonymously)
offered to share their views and
inspiration for dads wanting the
Single dads
What happens when you’re a single dad
who’s ready to start looking for love all
over again?
Rebecca Simpson
finds out.
skinny on what the dating game is all
about these days.
The dating expert, Kaitlin Kapur
Tell us about dating in Hong Kong.
Dating in Hong Kong is hard for
absolutely everyone. The women
think they have it hard, the men
think they have it hard. The reality
is that we are all so transient, we’re
all working such long hours. No one’s
taking the time to give someone a
chance and evaluate them to see if
they would be a good partner.
Has dating changed?
Yes. Dating has changed dramatically
just in the last five years. It’s so
different, it can be quite daunting if
you were with a partner for several
years. People were barely online
dating at that point. Now people have
a date in five minutes by looking at
their phone.
Single dads can experience that
disconnect between dating back then,
and how it’s done now. I’m a huge
fan of online dating, and of Tinder. I
think if it’s approached properly, if a
man is comfortable with that, it can
be a very effective method to dip your
toes in the water.