HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 297

An encounter with the Little Prince
Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School, Wong Hong Ching Michelle, Fiction: group 3
ow long have I been staying on this vast desert? Well...I’ve lost count. It’s like ages
have passed. I’m just walking forward aimlessly , going nowhere.
I have no idea why I’m here. I don’t remember much about what happened actually.
I was originally on a plane and suddenly everyone screamed, then everything blacked
out. When I opened my eyes, I was lying on this piece of land, with thousands of particles of
sand sticking to my hair and body. Luckily, my backpack was by my side. All of my belongings
including three bottles of water, a few packs of biscuits, an apple and a few clean clothes were in
it. My phone was out of service. I was stuck in this horrible place!
Every day, I repeat the same action: walking, searching for food, fighting against wild
animals, finding a warm place to rest at night …
There’s no one to talk to and I think I’m going to be mad! I don’t have much food left, so I
need to eat some disgusting insects such as scorpions in order to survive. I’ve never been a pious
Christian but I’m praying hard at the moment and I really hope God will rescue me from here!
However, God didn’t seem to be listening to my prayers. Finally there came a night when all
my hopes were gone and I was falling into despair. While I was sitting on the sand helplessly,
suddenly I heard a weak voice behind me.
“Excuse me, Miss. I’m lost. Where am I now? “
I wiped my tears away and turned back. A pair of innocent eyes was gazing at me. The voice
came from a small boy aged seven or eight. He was wearing a green coat with a white shirt under
it. Under the moonlight, his brown hair turned golden and his face looked so angelic.
“I’m not sure … I think we’re in the Gobi Desert in China… Who are you, little kid? Why are
you here alone in the desert?” I asked curiously.
“I’m known as the Little prince. The last time when I landed on earth I was also in a desert. I
met a man there. He told me a lot of things about the place. I’m looking for him now. Do you know
where he is now?”
“What? You’re the Little prince? Are you kidding me? I thought …… it’s just a story! And the
man you’re looking for… I’m afraid he died many years ago!”
“Oh……”The Little prince bowed his head and didn’t speak for a while.
“That’s okay! I think he’s now living in heaven happily .There’re too many things to worry
about in the human world. It’s so complicated!” He cheered up again .
“Um… Little prince, could you do me a favour? I can’t find my way home…”
“Of course! But you need to help me too! Draw a house for me to keep my sheep. The house is
way too small for them now.”
“Oh! It’s my honour to do so!” I smiled.
Life was much easier with a friend standing by my side. We defeated wolves and leopards,
shared stories, searched for food and water together. Finally, we walked out of the desert. I rejoined
my family joyfully and went home. The Little prince got his gift and went back to his planet.
And now, whenever I look at the stars, I think of my unforgettable journey and my dear
little friend.
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