HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 350

I Love My mum
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, Kwok Yat Tung, Fiction: Group 3
his story is about a girl with her mum whose has them amazing life.
When I was small, I loved my mum’s dishes. I want to eat her dishes every day. And I
will eat all the dishes on the table, after I ate you will see a clean dish.
When I got bigger and bigger, I went back later and later, but my mum still made the
dishes for me too but I let that all gone into rubbish bin because I had my friends who eat dinner
with me. I thought I didn’t need my parent anymore. Although I didn’t eat the food, my mum kept
made the dishes.
Until one day, when I got back home, I saw my mum sleep on the floor I walked near to my
mum and felt her heartbeat was stopped. At that moment, I saw a plant near by her. Oh! She made
dishes for me. After one seconds I wake up and first action is call 999.
After I sand her to hospital, the doctor said she was gone away. I was so regret why I don’t
taste her dishes why I let them went to the rubbish bin, why I will feel I don’t need family
anymore. I really want to eat her food again. And I scream, ‘please come back! I had learnt how
to cook, let me cook for you, you haven’t to eat my food. I’m sorry, please come back, please… ‘ I
know I was dizzy.
‘Mum, mum is you? Don’t leave me again! Mum, wait for me’ I said in a dream. And God told
me, he can give me one more chose.
At the beginning, I went back to my small time. In the family, I eat the all the food that is
my mum made. And in the school, I got the height market because I had learnt this already so my
mum was very happy!
When I got bigger and bigger, I change my life, I kept finish all the food made form my mum,
but i never went back home late. Because I don’t want to lose my mum anymore But the dream
became lose. I think I was went out the dream.
But I never take out to the dream I was woke up, when i woke up the doctor told me I had sleep
2 days already. And a big news my mum was had a little bit heartbeat while I am waking up.
A amazing happen was began, I was found I can use the magic like harry potter and my mum
can made the most yummy food in the world. In the school I always use the magic on differences
way like Quiz, dictation , do homework ,text and exam so I the high marks. I could cook like the
famous chief, so I always buy the best food to made the dishes like the hotel food.
My mum be the Super women, she got many energy, she can’t just did the office work because
too much energy if she can’t used the energy each day she can’t sleep. So my mum keep doing the
office work to collect money in the morning to afternoon and she be a super women at the night
before she wise all of her energy. She will help the poor man she will do many difference kind of
job for example, she can make many dishes in half an hour, she will portative the worker who is
work in the evening.
After a months, my mum had ascendant she gave the people know who are the super women.
So she did not need to used things to cover her face anymore. But her morning work was lose
because every day will have many journalist come to talk with my mum and make the office was
cloudy so mum’s boss was fire my mum. And need to move our living place because I need a quiet
place to study and our old place always has many reporter to ask us question.
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