HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 359

She started to cry.
The night was dark. She shivered in her bare clothes, and looked up at the anxious woman
who was clinging onto her.
“Mom, what are we doing here?”
“Shh, it’s all going to be okay, sweetie. We’re going to be saved.”
“Saved? Who’s going to save us? Where are we going?”
“Good people, sweetie. We’re going somewhere good and safe. We will leave and find another
place to stay.”
“Really? Will we be together?”
“Yes, we will, sweetie. All right, the people are coming. Listen to me, you must do everything
I say. When the men come, you must follow them and run as fast as you can. Don’t look back.
They will drive you to a good place, and you must do as they say. Promise?”
“Ok, but will you run with me?”
“Yes, I will be behind you, but you must not look back. Promise me.”
“Ok, I promise.”
“Good girl. Shh, now we wait.”
They came after what seemed like eternity. She was excited.
When she heard the whispered cue, she didn’t hesitate. She didn’t think. She just ran.
She followed the footsteps in front of her. She never stopped, not even when she heard screams
and yells that made her blood run cold.
She didn’t look back when she heard gunshots.
She did exactly what she was told.
She shivered in the trunk. The men were smoking outside. Their laughter sent chills down
her spine.
One of them opened the trunk and smiled menacingly. He said something to his friends. She
didn’t understand.
She gasped when he entered and shut the trunk behind him. He crept closer.
She tried to move back but there was no more space.
He smirked.
He grabbed her and pinned her on the ground. She was terrified.
He smiled wider.
He unzipped his jeans.
Then he attacked her.
He hurt her and hurt her and hurt her and hurt her.
He zipped up his jeans. He laughed as he opened the trunk again.
It happened again and again.
She lost her voice.
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