HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 356

Shekou International School, Cathy Sun, Speak, Fiction: Group 3
They were arguing again. Low voices and indiscernible words.
She shifted in her position, but her elbow was jammed.
What were they fighting over?
Their voices were raised now. They’d better watch out or they might crash.
The vehicle swerved and she was jerked backwards.
Darn tape. Her face felt sore.
She shifted, and the ropes dug into her wrists. She could barely feel them.
Where were they taking her?
Something smashed. The yelling was getting serious.
The trunk cover was suddenly lifted and a rough hand grabbed her by the elbow. He yelled
something she couldn’t understand and pulled her onto the ground. Ground? It didn’t feel like concrete.
“Argh!” The man had fallen. What was going on?
More ear-piercing screams. Suddenly, something near her shattered and she felt shards embed
into her skin. She barely flinched.
Gunshots. She curled up and tried to stay hidden.
Let them all die in pain.
Die, die, die.
The ropes were bothering her. She needed to get rid of them.
She ran her fingers lightly on the sandy ground until she felt a sharp jab.
She started to saw the ropes around her wrist.
It was too easy.
She pulled the blindfold and tape off her face. The light was blinding.
And then she smelled smoke.
Within seconds, the whole vehicle was on fire. She jerked out of the way in time as the flame
engulfed everything.
The heat and dust on her face made her choke.
She needed to leave.
Moving hastily, she pulled at the ropes around her ankles. She screamed inside when the fire
brushed her arm.
No time. She half-crawled to get away.
Don’t stop now. Don’t look back.
She didn’t.
Not once did she look back, even when she heard the men scream.
She didn’t stop when the smell of smoke disappeared. She kept crawling and crawling.
When she collapsed, she remembered the ropes. With all her remaining strength, she pulled
them free. Her ankles were raw.
She was alive. How did that happen?
She couldn’t think straight. Her eyelids snapped shut.
* * *
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