HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 357

When she woke up, the first thing she noticed was how cold it was.
She curled up tighter. It was dark.
Where was she?
The sand beneath seemed to stretch on for miles.
How did she get here?
She could barely remember.
The sand felt somewhat warming. But it was all underneath her. Maybe she should burrow in
the sand.
But she felt numb. She couldn’t move.
Was she going to die here?
It’d certainly be an interesting death. Alone, freezing, and surrounded by sand.
What would happen if she died?
Would she end up in Heaven? Hell? Maybe God would be mad at her for letting those men die.
Maybe she should’ve done something.
How was her mother?
Alive, hopefully. Or not. She’d be better off dead.
It was freezing. She might get hypothermia. All the better.
The sun felt warm on her face. She lay still.
She was one alive girl.
She tried to sit up, but her body went out under her. It felt unattached.
Her throat felt unbelievably dry.
Her body was unusually hot.
She needed water.
She really was alone on this vast land.
She was going to die of dehydration. Another interesting way to welcome death.
What was the purpose of existence? To breathe, eat, drink, then die?
What would her mother do, if she were here?
Would she cry for her?
Would she be mad at her for letting those men die?
Would she regret her decision?
Her arm tingled. God, it looked disgusting. It hadn’t healed very well.
She was going to die here. A lousy way to end a lousy existence. At least it didn’t hurt.
She heard a voice. More voices. People were talking around her. She didn’t understand.
Was this Hell? Was she finally dead?
The voices were getting louder. Her vision was fuzzy. Who were these people?
She tried to move her hand; move anything; but she couldn’t. She was trapped.
She must be hallucinating.
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