HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 351

Wen I came back my house ,Suddenly I fell down. Oh is me need to go back the past time, NO!
I come to a very light place I can’t see the things any more, I just listen a kind, nice and warm
voices “Is you Jesus? Why I can’t see? Are you here?” “I am here you will go back to your time
and Do you think I should or shouldn’t give your mum to you, Why?” Jesus ask. “ Yes, you should.
It is my mum never changed, I have a perfect jobs in the dream, you forgot your promises if I am
do well you will give my mum back?” I shouted. “ of course I haven’t forget this promises! Your
mum will wake up in the hospital before send to crematorium, if you go back your mum haven’t
wake up, please pay attention to wait for a few minute. I hope you really learnt how to protect and
love your mum.’
When I wake up I am sitting an the chair outside of the crematorium. And I told the doctor
my mum haven’t died please take out my mum and check once more time, surely the doctor don’t
believe to me but I told him I saw Jesus is he told me my mum haven’t died . When the doctor
checking I see she is opening her eyes and the doctor feel amazing too because my mum stop
pulse for 1 hour. I give a hug with my mum. She ask me how long did she sleep I said in my mind
you just sleep 20minutes because I see you in the dream, Jesus chat with me for a few minutes.
My mum said while she was sleeping, She saw she is a super women and help a lots of people in
the night. I said all just I dream and is Jesus give my test.
After one months, my mum have her own book all about the trip when she sleeping call ‘My
sleeping Trip’. And be a normal person to go school have homework, quiz , test and so on.
In that story, of course a people died is never wake up, but she will live in your heart forever.
I want your know someone, something or some chance is you miss you may be can’t meet is
forever may be you will say but I don’t know I choose this road is right or wrong let me tell you if
you don’t try you never win if you try you have a chance to win like a good sentence ‘ You can’t
connect dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back ward’ By Steven Jobs. If
you try when you are looking back ward you seen a wonderful life which you have in past.
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