HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 362

A Little Visit
“Um.. Mrs. Broeker? I’m aware that you have a visitor for Cameron.”
A nervous, trembling Alli approached the door to Cameron’s room.
Mrs. Broeker was ecstatic about Alli’s visit, in hopes that she could sponsor him. She knew
about her accomplishments.
Alli laid her eyes on the little boy for the first time. His bald head, small frame, flawless smile
owned Alli’s heart. She promised herself that she would do anything she could to make the boy
happy. She wanted to hug him, she wanted to keep him. There was something about him that
caused Alli to love Cameron as her own.
The First Story
As the weeks passed, Cameron’s condition met a turning point. Soon enough, his leukemia caused
him to lay in bed all day. He suffered, he cried, and he could not move. He declared war over his
own body, and this time, there was almost no chance of winning. His conditions were so bad, that
he had no choice but to go under his 5th surgery.
A panicking Alli stood next to Cameron’s bed, in attempt to cheer to boy up.
“Cameron, would you like to hear a story about the Gobi desert?” Alli offered.
“No, it’s okay. I’ve heard every story about that desert. Mommy has read all of them, there’s no
more to be read. I’ve already known all of them by heart” Cameron explained.
“Well, what if I told you that there’s one that you’ve never heard of before?” Alli told the little
boy while developing a story in her mind.
“I highly doubt it, but sure”
Soon enough, Alli used her magic to overpower the boy’s doubt. She talked about an epic
battle between the beasts and the warriors. How they all used to be part of the kingdom, but the
beasts turned against their own warriors, and declared a battle on the great dunes of the Gobi.
There, the warriors searched for food, lizards, wolves, leopards. She talked about the scientists
these warriors found that were lost among the ridges of the desert, and used them for their own
cause. These stories allowed Cameron to have the courage to move on, to surpass his beasts.
The Gobi Desert
While Cameron was in the hospital, Alli was in desperation looking for sponsors to help the boy.
She set up campaigns, garage sales, contacted agencies and families. Her only focus in life at this
moment was Cameron, and only Cameron.
Alli was soon a martyr for Cameron’s lifelong battle, and her dedication had inspired
thousands of other to do the same. Soon enough, Project Cameron was established, and Alli had
reached her success of having enough money for the boy’s dream.
However, although money was no longer a problem, Cameron’s conditions were tragic. He had lost
the ability to speak. Alli sat next to him, every single day, finishing up the stories she had told the
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