HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 364

Hey that’s Mine
Singapore International School, Cheung Hoi Yu, 12
here is everybody?” cried Bob.
Dylan wiped beads of perspiration from his forehead and stared at Bob,
waiting for a suggestion. They were lost and were separated from their group
of paleontologists, and now they were wandering around in the middle of this
desolate corner of the vast Gobi Desert.
Suddenly, a flash of red zoomed across their eyes. Dylan reeled back instinctively, gasping,
utterly terrified, and hid behind Bob who stood rooted to the ground, eyes bulging. They were
both extremely petrified by the sight. A small and hideous looking animal, about the size of
a kitten, swayed its bullet shaped head and sniffed the air. It was standing on its hind legs,
revealing a blood red underbelly. It stopped, and took a few steps towards them. Dylan held
his breath. It brought its head down slowly and narrowed its eyes, staring at them with its big
golden pupils. Its tail swayed from left to right, and then it dropped its body down to the ground,
revealing a crusty yellow back, perfectly blending into the gritty ground. Then, like a crocodile,
it scuttled away rapidly, dissolving into the sandy ground. Shaking like a leaf, Dylan fell down to
his knees, breathing heavily
“Oh my gosh, DYLAN!! COME!!” Bob shouted across, staring at the prints that the animal
had left behind. Dylan immediately went over, peered down and examined the marks closely,
exclaiming that it was the footprint of a chicken. Bob nodded excitedly in agreement.
birds ARE evolved from dinosaurs! Maybe we have discovered a living dinosaur!” Bob cried,
thrilled and exhilarated, shaking Dylan vigorously. They hugged each other merrily, thrilled
with their discovery.
After they calmed down, they took measurements and pictures, gathering as much data
and proof as they could. They now had to find their group. “I’m starving!” Bob exclaimed. He
rummaged in his bag, and took out a tube of Smarties, and started popping them into his mouth,
gobbling them up in no time.
“I can’t believe it! This must be the twentieth tube of Smarties you’ve had. Don’t you have
anything else?” Dylan said in disgust, shuddering.
“Nope! I still have twenty more tubes in my backpack!” Bob said, while putting another
handful into his mouth, devouring them. Dylan rolled his eyes. Then suddenly, Bob’s foot hit on a
rock, and he fell forward, tripping, spilling all his precious Smarties.
“My Smarties!!!” Bob shrieked loudly, on the verge of sobbing.
“Seriously, is that all you care about?” Dylan asked, shaking his head in dismay, as he helped
Bob to his feet.
“Bob! Dylan! Is that you?” familiar voices rang out of the blue. Excited, they turned around
and saw figures waving at them furiously.
“Pete! Alex!!!” Dylan shouted back to their teammates. Relieved and overcome with joy, both
of them surged towards the figures, hugging them tightly.
“Hey, guys, you will not believe what we saw!!!” Bob told Pete and Alex, enthusiastically. He
started talking about how they met the dinosaur-like animal and showed them the photos and
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