HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 371

The Worm Mausoleum
SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School, Lai Man Wai, Fiction: Group 3
he myth was far told by my Mongolian’s ancestors. Having the time flew back to
centuries ago when gold mining first became popular. Everywhere was crowded with
people in the Gobi Desert. People mined recklessly. Despite the risks of living near
volcanoes at that time, people mined there. As Mongol Empire rose, all mines and gold
were forcibly occupied under the Empire. A gold palace was rumored to be built at the very deep
of the earth as to keep the treasure forever. Millions of servants was buried lively and never
reach the sunlight. It was a mausoleum made of gold and it was also made of death. The Death
Worm, guard of the treasure, an ancient great creature symbolizing danger and death were kept
for protecting the treasure. However, wars for the gold continued without stopping. There was
a curse “The day the gold first shone under the moonlight, bloodshed was everywhere. The dark
devil were free when the masters were dead. Paradise would save the world.”
No one really knew whether the gold palace existed or not, but there did have some
unexplainable illness, biting by unknown creatures, existing within the current decades. People
now sparsely knew about the myth. However, there was always some exception, the escapees.
Jake Wasley, the great biologist in England. He was famous in the study of ancient creatures.
“Professor could you sign your name on the book for me please,” flocks of girls flooded into
the school hall and squeezed towards him while they were holding his latest biological book and
screaming feverishly with excitement.
“Hello, my beloved professor Jake,” Elza grinned while she charmingly yet confidently jot
trotted towards Jake, giving him a wink and a cool wave and sneered. “It’s quite enough of your
superciliousness, Mr. Jake Wasley.”
The sudden emergence of Elza seemed to help cooling the mad sizzling atmosphere a bit. The
girls made a way for her to pass through. Jake and Elza kissed each other passionately which was
disliked by the girls, and so the passion of the girls faded and they left gradually.
“Would it just be too heart-broken for them?” Jake mumbled giddily.
“I’m just behaving as your lab assistant,” Elza giggled and proclaimed in a quite serious tone
while handed the letter over. “By the way, this letter is sent by Jim, your friend urgently from
Mongolia. You better check it right away,”
The letter was actually a piece of old yellowing parchment with blood on it,
“Dear Jaky,
You’re right about the death worms. I saw them somewhere in Gobi Desert where it was
highly concentrated with sulphur. I went with my daughter. I knew I shouldn’t. It’s far too
dangerous. We’re attacked by them. Look, Jake. I’m going to die. I know you can save my
daughter’s life. You are my last hope. Please you are the only man I trust. Save Her.
“So, what’s up?” Elza asked, scared by Jake’s serious expression.
“Called Dan, we’re going to the Gobi Desert, Mongolia, I think he will be interested ,” Jake
responded calmly.
It just took few hours for them to reach the Gobi Desert. Everything was as usual as they
were. By the time, they came to the hospital, doctors said Jim was dead. It was reported that
they were bitten by snakes while the wound was surely not made by snakes. There was a special
sulphur smell on their clothes where it only found in volcanic areas.
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