HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 372

“So, this time really Death Worms, right?” asked Dan, a pudgy man with grey musky
mushy beard.
“That’s true. And this time we‘re going to BANDI Volcano,” Jake announced speechlessly.
The earth surface there was rough and rocky. The closer to the Bandi volcano, the stronger
the smell of sulphur was. Everywhere was dark and grey. It seemed to be no light and hope but
a well of death. The sky grew dark and was likely to rain. The sky was growling with anger.
“There will be a thunderstorm soon. It wasn’t a great day to be any near volcanoes,” worried
by Elza, trembling due to the freezing air.
“Let’s get out of the car and start investigating. The only way to cure Jim’s daughter is to take a
sample of Death Worms’ tissues. I know it sound ridiculous though,” marked by Jake in a flat tone.
Three of them held sulphur’s detector and waited for the red light on.
“Hey Guys look, there was a corridor, or a gap whatever right here. The red light is so bright.
They won’t be far away from us,” Dan shouted with astonishment.
Elza turned on a torch and got inside first as she was good at taking her bearings. Inside the
narrow gap, it was cold, wet and dark, even the torches doesn’t really help much. There was only
one way to go. Jake tasted the strong sulphur on the wall.
“Soon, we’ll reach the spot which is the most highly concentrated with sulphur and that will
be where the Death Worm haunted and lurked,” Jake whispered with many thoughts left behind.
The path became broader and broader as they walked farther.
“I saw something gold or red glowing. Is it the legendary gold palace? Have we reached
there?” Elza murmured softly.
“No, absolutely not, the palace should be deep under the earth. We were just walking straight
without any signs of going down,” exclaimed by Jake with soft voice.
Just then, a colossal and enormous creature appeared in front of them. It was the Death
Worm. Everything went silent with terror and the dreadful desire of those creatures. Antennae
were shown all over its body, but without any sense organs at all, except a bloody and circular
mouth with many sharp teeth. Its whole body was bloody-red, plump, corpulent and moist with
corrosive fluid spilling out, combining with eerie hissing sound. It was too long that it seemed it
was endless. It was a dark endless hell inside its mouth, overwhelming with horror and shock.
“Oh Blimey!” Elza cried out loud.
“Be careful of its fluid spilling out, they’re highly corrosive. There’s no point of hiding. They
feel you anyway. Now, run!” Jake shouted, blood straining and pumping to his heart.
The worm started swirling and moved faster towards Dan.
“Dan, be careful. Look Out,” Jake became pale, a cold chill went down to his spine.
However, the worm suddenly turned and reached for Elza. Everything was in a shock. Elza
was petrified helplessly and struck dump.
It was rising to a point that all the jolt and horror would exposed at any time. The nasty
smell of sulphur struck Jake something.
“What can I say!!!!!! The worm is really huge and … umm… cute. I am not insane after
all the worm really exists. Although my life is extremely threatened now, I am extremely
blissful!!!!!!!!!!!”Dan shouted at a high pitch, facing Jake.
“Satisfied? Run!!!”Jake joked while running.
“You know I am the big fan of the tales all the time!!!!” Dan smirked in a horrible way.
The torch was flashing on the ground as they dropped that on the ground. The corridor
emerged into darkness as the worm slide over it. The only light left was the way they in. Elza was
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