HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 651

New tales of Gobi Desert
Sing Yin Secondary School, Leung Ka Lok, Fiction: Group 4
Above the sand there was a plane. No! To be accurate, there were the remains of a plane. The
plane crashed on the sand a few minutes ago. The only survival, Jacky, was gazing the remains.
His father and mother were killed in the accident. The only thing that they left to Jacky was the
smart phone in his pocket. That was Jacky’s birthday present from his parents. Having seen many
of his friends went addicted into smart phones, Jacky didn’t want to use his phone. Now, however,
Jacky wanted to keep the phone well because it became the only connection between him and his
parents. He had to keep this phone well and leave this deathful place.
Jacky walked and walked aimlessly. Suddenly, he heard a voice, ”Do you want to leave?”
Jacky was shocked. “Is it God’s voice?” he thought.
If you want to leave, seek help from me in your pocket,” that voice was really coming from
his pocket.
Jacky picked the iPhone from his pocket.
I am the God of Technology. I entered this phone in order to make smart phones popular in the
world. I can help you,” the phone said.
“Don’t be fool! You are just a programme,” Jacky satirized.
“No! I am not! You can use the Google map to search for your location. You can then find a
route to leave this desert. Follow my instruction!” the phone stressed.
Thinking it a good suggestion, Jacky followed its advice. His location was very closed to a town.
Jacky could leave this place within two days. Thus, a boy and a God were walking in a desert.
One day later, they were resting under a small sand hill. Suddenly, a fierce sandstorm attacked
them. However, Jacky could not make a phone call since there was not any signal. The sand was
hitting him hardly and he could not think of anything. A voice came from his pocket again,
“Send an email to seek for help. Although this would destroy my soul, I think it is more important
to save your life!”
That happened.
A few hours later, the rescue team dug Jacky out from the sand. He was saved! After a few
days of treatment, Jacky had recovered completely.
In the hospital, Jacky remembered all the things that had happened. Right before the plane
had crashed, his parents hugged him tightly. Jacky received the least damage but father and
mother died. When he was nearly buried in the sand, a light came from the phone and wrapped
him up in order to prevent him from being killed. At that time, he felt relieved and fell in sleep…
It had been too many times in Jacky’s life that others sacrificed for him. At the beginning,
he felt sorry, and he blamed himself. However, later on, he realized that it was useless to do
that. He had to live. Not just live, he had to live with the God and his parent’s souls fruitfully,
meaningfully. This was the only thing that he could do to commemorate them.
His parents would never be with him; his phone would never shout at him.
However, Jacky was not alone.
Jacky was really recovered completely!
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