HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 88

Unlocking Secrets,
Unlocking the Bravery
ELCHK Lutheran Academy, Yoki Tang, Fiction: Group 3
moke streamed up obscuring the cloudless blue sky. A group of witches with crooked
red noses and coarse black braids flew on their broomsticks , surrounding the sky
with laughter. Different places in the empire were set on fire, as the witches gestured
powerfully towards the ground. The flames grew and spread out to gulp the last glimpse
of life. The whole place overflowed with excruciating cries. No one could escape the appetite of
the hungry fire.
After the fire, the empire turned into a desert , the “Gobi Desert”. No one knows it was once
an empire.
Four hundred years later, Prea, an archaeologist; two helpers, Harry and Jake; and a native
female psychic,
When they reached the boundary, a few strong men wearing some colourful silky dresses
approached them.
“FejI foeleKlK!” exclaimed the Mongolians ragedly.
Khongordzol tried to calm them down, “ FenO !” She whispered to the team, “They don’t
want you guys to enter the middle of Gobi desert as it’s their sacred place.” The natives kept cold
glances on them as they entered the desert.
During the journey toward the internal desert, Harry asked,“ May I be excused?” He shuffled
into the withering shrubs in the west. Waiting for a long time, Prea kept looking at his watch. So
they swiped the shrubs, but there was not a shadow of a man.
Abruptly, he prayed, “ Dear Lord, I hope that you can keep us safe and please let the villagers
forgive us for invading their area. Amen.”
When the sun sank to the bottom of the horizon, the travelers drew towards the central desert.
Prea complained, “The compass doesn’t work.”
The hand of the compass moved towards the west, instead of north “ I think we’ve entered the
central desert, it’s the magnetic induction,” whispered Khongordzol.
“I’ve heard of it, but we’re lost. We must figure out the directions before the sky gets dark.”
Prea pointed out.
Jake popped up like a needle, “I see a man over there with a camel! We can ask him!”
Prea and Khongordzol saw nothing. Jake peeped at a dark conjuring silhouette with a camel
on the horizon. They witnessed the sun devour Jake’s shadow.
“It’s the Lord’s test to my determination,” Prea sighed.
As he gazed upon the sky, he saw a broken empire lying beyond the horizon. Desolate, the
broken empire nestled on the jagged rocks. The city loomed in fragile moonlight. Petrified,
backing her way, Khongordzol hid behind Prea. Khongordzol ruffled through her bags for the
map; nonetheless there wasn’t such a city on her map.
Fearlessly, Prea moved into the empire, “I’ll be examining the scene. You set a fire,” Prea ordered.
He riffled through his backpack for the shovels and handheld microscope. Examining the
buildings, he mumbled to himself, “This building has existed for about two hundred years. Why
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