HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 196

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
F.M.B. Chun Lei Primary School, Tang, Henry - 11, Fiction: Group 2
Pearl River Delta
Hong Kong
Delta Base
eep, beep,..." the sound of the clock woke Jason Chase from his dreams. "Another day of
people rushing through the Bridge." he thought.
Jason was a pilot who was a kind of humanoid robot called the Hercules. Those powerful
machines were designed to protect the people of Earth from monsters~the Keros.
Jason walked out from the sleeping area of the Hercules' pilots and into the balcony.
He looked up and saw a gigantic pillar shaped bridge connected to an orb that was in space - the Star
Bridge and the MSC.
Jason got dressed. He walked to the Hercules' pilots' headquarters and got on with his daily work.
After a whole day of screaming nannies and zombie-like kids, Jason finally had time to rest.
"BEEEEEEP!" Jason with half of himself asleep thought it was his clock ringing, but then he noticed that it
was too loud and too long to be his clock. Jason's eyes sprang open. It was the warning signal of an
incoming Kero. "Dang it!" Jason's mouth exploded with endless dirty words as he got dressed. He walked in
the control pod of his Hercules, he used his hand to feel if all the instruments that he needed to control the
Hercules were there, and he was ready to go!
At the second he heard the order, Jason pressed the red button that read "LAUNCH" and boom! Jason was
launched right into mid-air with a great force from the boosters of the gigantic machine that he's in.
Right up in mid-air, he saw the monster that he was going to face. The first thing he saw was the horns.
The horns were enormous. And there was eight of them surrounding each one even taller than the others.
Then he saw the eyes. The eyes were horrible. They were glowing with yellow, a bit like lava. And the
most devilish thing was that there were countless numbers of them. Jason couldn't see anything below
because it was all full of smoke and dust
The monster roared. It was like a thousand plane engines strapped and was turned on together.
"Open fire!"
And soon, the place was full of gunfire and explosions.
Luckily, the monster looked weaker than they thought and was retreating back to the waters of the Pearl
River Delta.
But then the Kero started to glow in the same light as the eyes. It glowed brighter and brighter. Then it
released the energy and melted everything in its path.
"Everyone, retreat back to the Bridge and get ready for the launch. We cannot defeat the monster with our
lack of weapons!" a voice blared in a speaker.
Jason sprinted across the trenches to the boarding area of these platforms/pods that were used to carry
people across the Bridge.
He asked the commanders of the whole operation," What about the boys who were seriously injured, or
those who got trapped in their position?"
The commander heard what Jason said this time. "We couldn't save them," The commander said.
A red light in front of them glowed. They both knew it was time to go.
As the platform/pod was traveling upwards, Jason thought about his mates (which was every single one of
them, since there were only ten people on board), which made him want to scream like a madman.
And when he turned his head, he caught a glimpse of something glowing purple. "What's that thing?" he
"It's a bomb." If Jason didn't remember it wrong, that guy who answered was the scientist/bomb-maker
Charles O'geek.
"Then what's it doing here?" Jason kept asking.
"It was a failed project. Sure, it can explode. But you need to push the trigger there to make it go boom.
What I mean by 'failed' is that it couldn't save people's lives." The scientist looked sad as he spoke.
Then the scientist froze, and muttered to himself, "Maybe it can save people's lives..."
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