HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 188

Fiction: Group 2
The Pearl River Delta
Dulwich College Beijing, Feng, Phoenix - 8, Fiction: Group 2
ong ago, in a faraway land lived a boastful dragon. “I am the best!” he shouted. “No one can beat or
kill me!” But the gods were unsure, “We must teach him a lesson!” they said.
The next day one of the gods was sent from heaven and asked a girl named Lucy to fight the dragon. “You
must kill the dragon but hide it well or the master will be furious.” He warned Lucy. “OK” she replied and
set off to track the creature.
At last, the brave girl arrived at the horrible, harmful dragon’s lair. “Anyone here?” Asked the hero as her
voice echoed around the cave. “Roar! Who are you and what are you doing?” a voice boomed. “I am Lucy
and you are under arrest!” she said. “Ha ha!” He cackled. “You teeny weeny little girl fighting a monster,
Ha ha!” “Well I think you are only a hunk cheese!” blurted Lucy. “I shall show you how powerful I am!”
he bellowed. The girl had to do something, she thought fast. Then without thinking she picked up a rock
and threw it at him. “Roar!” shrieked the dragon, as he collapsed to the ground, life ebbing away. “You are
such a kitten!” Lucy said as she picked a sword and cut off his head. Thump thump thump! There was a
sound. “She’s here!” the little girl cried. Then she remembered what the god said. She buried the beast’s
body and strolled away.
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