HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 190

Fiction: Group 2
Zhou's Ithaca
Dulwich College Beijing, Lu, Michael - 8, Fiction: Group 2
ith a swoosh, the Ao De Xi pulled out of the harbour. All around the boat, azure diamonds
glistened from the mirror like surface of the sea. Seagulls screeched and wailed overhead.
“Home! Home we go!” roared the high-spirited crew. The wind slapped against their weathered faces as
they rowed away from the coast of Malaysia. As the mainland grew smaller and smaller the sailors’ spirits
The sailors of the Ao De Xi were all from the Pearl River Delta, the most famous hometown of oversea
Chinese. After ten years of rough work, they were finally on their way home. Zhou, the captain, was a
strong man who had glossy black hair, a pair of calloused hands and big feet. Listening to the rowdy laughter
of his crew, he could already feel his wife’s warm embrace and hear his children’s laughter. He could not
wait to return to his hometown.
Soon, Malaysia melted into the horizon. All that the sailors could see was the sea – the clear blue sea that
surrounded the boat.
The wind was fair, and the Ao De Xi traveled smoothly. In a few days, they glided gracefully on to an
island. When they tumbled on the shore, they found weeds scattered on the brown dull sand, and a huge
impenetrable forest bordering the island. At the edge of the forest, there was a pale column of smoke drifting
from a mysterious cave.
Approaching the cave cautiously, the crew saw a tall man. He had a sharp nose, dark straight hair, and a
sorcerer’s cloak. It flowed behind him, shrouding him in secrets and sorcery. He greeted them warmly,
“Welcome to Opiumland!” The man flicked his hand. Immediately, a magnificent gold table encrusted with
rubies and diamonds appeared.
On it was all the food you could imagine! Tender fat beef resting on a wreath of fresh flowers, juicy green
vegetables, and freshly picked grapes in dozens …
After the meal, the man took out some pipes and handed them out, signaling sailors to imitate him. He
inhaled from his pipe and puffed. Some sailors followed, entranced by the mystifying movements. Soon,
those sailors’ heads lolled to one side and as if someone had struck them, they fell to their knees. Their
bodies inflated, turning into a sickening shade of pink. Their noses transformed into snouts, snorts and grunts
filled the air.
The evil man cackled, “Why,
yourselves! This is opium, fools!” Zhou and the remaining sailors
yelped and sprinted away, falling onto each other as they ran to safety. As soon as they reached their boat,
everyone rushed to their seats and rowed away. Away from their pig friends, the opium, and the island itself.
In a flash, one month had passed. The Ao De Xi travelled slowly against opposing winds. One day, the
lookout suddenly cried, “Look! An island!” Everyone’s heads turned to see a small island with lush green
palm trees and white sand. With the blink of an eye, the Ao De Xi docked near the shore. Everyone
whooped and rushed out, throwing himself onto the soft sand. It was paradise. When they got up, they saw
an old lady strolling towards them. She had long wavy hair that fell around her willowy figure in an elegant
braid, and her small feet resembled a blooming lotus. A halo of light veiled her delicate face. She spoke in a
soothing voice, “My name is Feng Po, and this is Dimsumland. Do you wish to come to my house?”
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