HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 193

Fiction: Group 2
Ming Ming turned out to become a saviour, a brave girl who released all the people of Hong Kong from
poverty. The people of the city started to cheer on and work together in happiness. Ming Ming’s bravery
and courage was what everyone appreciated, but Ming Ming never knew if what she’d done did save many,
or just titled her as a murderer. After years passed Ming Ming set aside those feelings but they would always
crawl back to her in her dreams. The newest resource of water came from their newly formed River made
out of the Goddesses tears and the Pearls she had worn had flushed into the waters with her body. The
River became a pride to the people and a way of remembering Ming Ming’s story. This is how the Pearl
River Delta formed.
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