HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 238

Fiction: Group 2
past why not take a walk around while I can." So that's what he did, he took a long stroll in rather odd
fields that seemed to have no one in them. As he was walking around he could see a nice little farm house,
when he came closer he realized that there was a friendly looking man working on the farm.
Hie-Jie walked until he could see the farmer was signalling him to come closer. As Hie-Jie came closer
to the man the more familiar the man seemed. The man now in Hie-Jie's clear sight was holding food and
water which seemed to be for Hie-Jie. Starving Hie-Jie ran towards the man and asked politely for the
meal and sure enough the man gave it to him. As Hie-Jie was eating they did introductions the man went
first. "Hello my name is Hie-Jie"said the man speaking fluently in Chinese "Really interrupted Hie-Jie so
is mine and my great grandfathers you don't mean to tell me your wife is Bie Jie cried Hie-Jie pacing up
and down along the ground. "Yes"cried the man "You Hie-Jie are my great grandfather."
After that life was normal for great grandpa except for one thing Hie-Jie was always with him. Hie-Jie
would tell his great grandpa all about the modern days, how he got here and story's about places all around
the world. Hie-Jie also learned some new things to like how to cook really well, how to fish and how to
work on a farm. Life before for both Hie-Jies was fine but now that they each had each other's
experience they saw their home; the Pearl River Delta was now better then both of them.
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