HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 312

Fiction: Group 2
The Legend of the Turtle's Treasure
International Christian School, Puffenberger, Emma - 10, Fiction: Group 2
njo rushed down the hall as Master Chiko called to him from the hidden chamber. “Anjo, do you
have the sacred object?” yelled Master Chiko. “Yes, I have it,” Anjo replied. Master Chiko nodded to
him, “Now let us begin.”
50 years later…
As 13 year old Janice skipped joyfully down the path to the market, she walked around the busy market of
Guangzhou, she paused when she spotted a small stand. “I’ll pay you 70
for this turtle.” She told the cashier. “No, no,
you don’t want this one. Very old,” the owner told Janice. She pleaded with him, “I’ll pay you 85
?” “Okay,” the cashier
told her with a mischievous grin, “90
though.” Janice paid him and left with her new pet which she named Mandy.
Janice made a bed out of a cardboard box and started taking pictures of her and the turtle. After posting her pics on
the internet, she started reading an email that her friend had sent her that showed her the story of “The Legend of the
Turtle’s Treasure.”
Janice started reading: “
Deep in the city of Guangzhou there is a passage. When you go through the passage you
will find a small opening in the wall. You must have the sacred turtle, for it is the key to the treasure. Only the sacred turtle
may walk through the small opening. Once the turtle has walked through, the lock will undo. You will then get the turtle’s
After this passage, Janice looked at sketches of what the turtle supposedly looked like. The turtle sketches had the
same marks as Mandy’s shell did!
Anthony Lee was a man who had devoted his whole life to finding out where the Turtle’s Treasure was. He knew
everything about the legend, even what the names of the monks that had created the legend were: Master Chiko and his
chief advisor, Anjo. He had grown up dreaming about the legend since he was 10. When he saw the internet pictures of
Janice and Mandy after doing a search on turtle pictures, he decided to visit Janice’s house.
Two weeks later, Janice heard a knock on the door. Janice’s mom answered the door to find Anthony standing
outside. “Hello, you must be Mrs. Chan. I’m Janice’s teacher,” lied Anthony, “May I speak to her?” “Sure,” said Janice’s
mom. After leaving Janice’s mother Anthony walked into Janice’s room. After looking at the turtle he said, “Hi, I’m a
veterinarian here to check on your turtle. I need to take it to my office.” Janice looked at him curiously. “One second…
I’m going to go speak with my mother. I’ll be right back.” With that, Janice left Anthony alone in her room.
While she was gone, Anthony picked up Mandy, climbed out the window of the second story, and ran away.
When Janice came back she screamed. She had decided that she wasn’t going to let Anthony take her turtle. “He stole her!”
she cried to her mother, “What will I do?”
Anthony had finally arrived at the entrance to the secret passage. He had learned where the passage’s location was
from his studies. When he arrived there, he was so excited he almost bounded past it.
Janice had been rereading the email her friend had sent her about “The Legend of the Turtle’s Treasure”. She was
positive that Mandy was the turtle from the legend. She wrote and asked her friend where the secret passage was located.
She came up with a plan to get her beloved pet back, but it was very dangerous. Sneaking out at midnight she headed
toward the secret passage.
Anthony was boiling mad because Mandy, the sacred turtle, would not cooperate and walk through the small
opening. He couldn’t stand it anymore. “MOVE TURTLE!!” Finally, he sat down on a nearby bench and took a deep
breath. “I can’t believe it,” he calmly said aloud. “Can’t believe what?” said Janice, arriving at the location. “Ahh!” Anthony
yelled in surprise. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Janice said, “I was hoping you could explain why you took my
turtle. Is it because of the legend?” Anthony was dumbfounded that this girl, the one he stole the turtle from, had asked him
so patiently and nicely why he had done such a bad thing. “I...uh- I’m so sorry; truly I am. It’s just that I’ve been longing
to find this treasure since I was 10, and I was afraid you would say no if I asked you. I need the key to get the treasure.
When you posted those pictures of the turtle, I couldn’t help myself but go to your house and steal the turtle. I hope you’ll
forgive me,” Anthony poured out these words from his heart, hoping that Janice would understand. “I forgive you. It’s just
that you really shouldn’t steal,” Janice explained, “Maybe you and I can find the treasure together.” “Would you really do
that for me?” Anthony beamed as his eyes lit up. “Yes,” Janice resolved. Anthony nodded, “Thank you for everything.”
They entered the passage together, ready to see the Turtle’s Treasure.
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