Fiction: Group 2
Pearl River Delta Adventure
International College Hong Kong-Hong Lok Yuen, Bouttell, Matthew - 11,
Fiction: Group 2
he news reader was ready, he sat down in his seat and started to speak about a group of people
who were as yet unidentified. It had been reported that a group of smugglers were stealing iphones
from Hong Kong and taking them to China to sell.
Jerry Imahara walked down the dock, he was a short boy for his age which was 11, he had black hair and jet
black eyes. He was going on a diving trip with his cousin, Immad Tarhair. Jerry looked up at all the boats as
he slowly walked, some of the boats were small, some were massive, like five storey houses.
After a while he stopped, he had spotted Immad’s boat, it was a large boat with a tent-like cover over the
top.It had the most high tech diving system out of all the boats in the harbour. He jumped on board and
smiled at his cousin. Immad was tall with brown hair and green eyes that were very cat-like.
They set off and as the boat went crashing over the small waves Jerry smiled, he was finally on the Pearl
River Delta. For a long time he had been waiting for this trip because he had seen all the pictures, but in
real life it was ten times better. He could see all the skyscrapers, bridges and cars surrounding him. Jerry
smiled at Immad and then spoke in a whisper, “So how long till we go underwater?”
Immad smiled and replied, “Whenever you want, we got all day, till your mum and dad come and get
Jerry looked around and sighed, “Well the view is amazing but I am getting bored of it, so I want to see
under the skin of the city.”
Immad smiled back and said, “Let’s go, cuz.”
Jerry watched Immad do a ‘James Bond’ roll off the side of the boat and then copied him. They bobbed in
the water for a minute getting used to the cold temperature. Jerry pointed his thumb down and they both
As they swam around underwater they could see small fish with sharp jagged teeth, the coral all around
looked like hands reaching up trying to break free from the sand which was acting like chains holding back
the coral.
They swam around underwater for a long time looking around for cool things to take pictures of. As they
swam Jerry spotted a big black tube large enough to fit a car through. Jerry spoke with excitement in his
voice, “Can we go see what that is?”
Immad looked to where Jerry was pointing and then said, “OK, but let’s take care, it looks a little
Jerry looked back at him and did the “OK” sign.