HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 348

Fiction: Group 2
saw it properly. It was a factory logo, yes, definitely a factory logo. Except it was the one Ping worked at!
She started to feel frantic. She tried to move but her pain was unbearable.
A beautiful black raven swooped down into the back of the van through the netted gate. It landed on Ping’s
arm. Ping smiled. This was a good sign. She was always looking for good signs.
The truck came to a halt and Ping was thrust forward. A piercing light blinded Ping’s dark eyes. A face
appeared through the mist. “Come on you dirty animal! Get out!” But Ping just stood there, staring into the
man’s grey eyes. “What do you want!” shouted the man. Saliva sprayed onto her face. “Please, b-before
you take me, what was the name of the nurse that c-cared for me?” Ping asked. “Grace Yu. Why do you
want to know that!” Spluttered the man. “I-I d-don’t know. Sorry sir.” Ping tried to stand up but
couldn’t. Suddenly, a car roared in the distance. Ping’s eyes shone. Was this meant to be a rescue? The man
disappeared to see what was going on. Suddenly the door opened. It was the nurse who had cared for her!
She grinned from ear to ear. The nurse jumped in and carried Ping out to her black Toyota. Before Ping
knew it, the van was in the distance. The nurse craned her head round. “What next my lovely daughter?”
This was a good sign. Ping was always looking for good signs.
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