HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 439

Fiction: Group 2
Fisheries and Conservation department (AFCD) to standby. By this time, the dolphin was delirious with
sickness and we poured sea water on it to keep it hydrated.
When we reached the shore, the AFCD loaded it on their van and rushed the dolphin to the vet. We
followed. We found out that the baby dolphin was probably poisoned and it could be a result of the
mother’s milk. The waters of the Pearl River Delta was extremely contaminated with pollutants from
neighbouring factories surrounding it and it passed on to the mother dolphin.
“ How can we be so cruel to these animals! They are innocent,” I screeched.
Thankfully, the baby dolphin was going to recover. It would reunite with the other dolphins once he
got better. We returned to the Pearl River Delta with good news. The school of dolphins were grateful and
relieved that the baby dolphin was going to be kept in a safe environment and be taken care of by reliable
and experienced professionals.
When the dolphins heard the reason why we were out at sea, they decided to repay us for our
kindness. The dolphins dived deep into the dark swampy waters to help us look for the sunken treasure. It
took them a while but eventually they lifted the treasure to the surface with their noses. It was a decaying
treasure chest with gold necklaces hanging out. We were overjoyed at this discovery! Now, we could prove
our Grandaunt wrong!
The dolphins stayed by our boat to chat with us for a little longer. They told us how many of their
friends and relatives were dying as a result of the pollution in their habitats. Their habitat was badly polluted
by the toxic chemicals coming from the factories and all the littering and dumping of rubbish in the sea. The
Pearl River Delta was utterly repulsive!
After hearing this sad traumatizing news, we were determined to start a campaign to save the
dolphins. We volunteered at the Dolphin watch to create awareness of how our actions are harming the
marine life.
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