HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 434

Fiction: Group 2
The Boating Adventures of Lisa and Harry
Singapore International School, Cameron, Setiadi - 10, Fiction: Group 2
rash! Crash! Crash!
You could hear the crashing sound of the waves as Lisa and Harry floated along the swampy Pearl
River that stormy afternoon. Lisa, just your typical little girl. Harry just your typical little boy. Two normal
little children who loved going on adventures together on their beautiful boat that they had made
It had been a sunny morning when Lisa and Harry decided to go on another amazing boating
adventure. They grabbed all the essentials such as food, water and a camera in case they wanted to take some
pictures. They also grabbed their snorkelling gear as they would never miss a chance to go snorkelling. They
quickly headed down to the Pearl River Port where their boat was parked. Compared to all the other boats
parked there, their boat seemed as tiny as an ant. But it still worked as well as the other boats so Lisa and
Harry did not mind one bit about the small size of their boat. They quickly set off on their adventure on the
swampy Pearl River. Who knows what surprises may come...
“ Harry, do you think that we should go further out to sea or just stay close enough for the water
to be shallow enough for us to stand in?” Lisa asked.
“I personally think that we should go further out to sea today since the weather is so nice,” Harry
replied. So, they rowed their boat slowly out to sea, hoping for some excitement. As they rowed their boat
they talked to each other about many things. They talked about what they wanted their future career to be.
They both wanted to become marine biologists because they would get to spend more time studying water
life. As they talked, they laughed and they were so happy having fun out on the Pearl River. Who would
not have fun riding peacefully on a boat with a friend?
Crash! Crash! Crash!
Suddenly, the whole sky turned grey. You could hear the crashing sound of the waves as Lisa and
Harry floated down the swampy Pearl River that afternoon. A storm was definitely about to come. Lisa and
Harry were still happily chatting, ignoring the storm and not even noticing that they had gone so far out,
the port was no longer in sight. There was lightning then thunder then rain and finally, Lisa realized what
was going on.
“Um... Harry where did the port go and when did it start raining?” Lisa asked nervously.
“Actually, I am not very sure where we are, we might have gone either way too far out or in the
wrong direction. We probably should have paid more attention to where we were going, instead of
constantly talking and eating,” Harry answered. The storm got stronger and stronger. It was hard for Lisa
and Harry to even stay in the boat while it was rocking from side to side. They had never experienced this
before so they were clueless on what to do. They tried rowing their boat but the waves kept taking them
away. They hugged each other tightly, hoping that they would find a way to save themselves. They thought
it was the end. But it could not be the end. They still had their whole lives ahead of them. There had to be
a way for them to save themselves.
“Do you guys need some help?” A pink dolphin suddenly appeared from under the boat.
“Well, yes we do. A storm has come and we are lost out at sea, we need someone to bring us back
to shore,” Harry said to the dolphin in a slight state of shock.
“Why, I surely can help with that! I will call my other friends, not that I have many, we are highly
endangered because of your kind polluting our waters,” The dolphin replied sadly.
“How about this, you and your friends bring us back to the Pearl River Port and in return, we will
raise awareness on your species, is that a deal?” Lisa said in hopes that the dolphin would agree and guess
what? The dolphin did agree to call its other friends to bring Lisa and Harry home. Unfortunately, they had
to abandon their beautiful little boat but it was for the best.
Now, Lisa and Harry have both made it into the marine biology business after they had launched a
campaign that saved the endangered pink dolphins. They became two of the most famous marine biologists
in China and they are definitely two of the most successful marine biologists in history. Maybe, just maybe,
you might one day go boating on the swampy Pearl River and possibly spot the talking pink dolphin that
saved Lisa and Harry. Who knew it had all started with a talking pink dolphin?
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