HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 448

Fiction: Group 2
Hasta La Vista
Singapore International School, Tang, Shun Hong Winston - 11, Fiction: Group 2
dead body was floating across the Pearl River Delta serenely. At least, it would have been, if it
weren’t the 789th dead body-in just two months. A trail of red followed it, ringing alarm bells in
the community.
“The millionth dead body we’ve seen now, how many more to go? We’ve still not found him eh?”
Bart Wells, my personal assistant moaned. There had been a peculiar case for two months now. The people
who went through the Pearl River Delta never came out alive. Not even one person came out alive. Not
even one. Every time we searched the dead’s pockets, there was only one scrap of paper. On the piece of
paper was a picture of a skull engulfed in fire. Nothing else. The dead either had their chests shot with an
arrow, or they were shot in the head with a M60 bullet.
My trail of thoughts broke when another body floated towards us in the distance. I froze instantly
when I saw the carcass. “ Mikel!!” We had known each other since we were young, still at
preschool. It was 38 years of friendship...destroyed. I let out a rasping cry. Beads of perspiration flowed
rapidly from my forehead. I felt blood drain from my face. My heart had skipped millions of beats. My eyes
became hot as I choked back tears. I found the piece of paper with the skull and ripped it apart. I would find
him. The killer. No matter what. And finish him.
The wind slapped my face as our boat sailed down the river. To me it was just a bunch of daggers
inserted slowly and painfully into my heart and soul. Day and night I thought about the case. It was peculiar,
how we had travelled for 7 days but still not faced any sign of danger. We had almost reached the end of the
trail. Had the victims all took another track? Were they lured by some sort of...thing to go to the killer like
the sirens in Greek mythology?
That night, I had no urge to sleep. I sat at the end of the boat, gazing at the night sky. An owl
hooted in the distance and a wolf howled right after that. It was a night with a full moon, and the reflection
illuminated the surroundings.
If only the case was fully solved too,
I thought,
life would be even more
lightened up.
A wind at my back disturbed the peaceful surroundings. Ripples in the water spread and there was
a feather sticking out of the water. An arrow. Someone was shooting. At us. I shook Bart up and watched
another arrow being fired straight at the boat. There was a unusual instability as the boat tilted for a second,
as if someone had jumped onto the boat. I went up to check what it was. Right after I got up, a dark figure
loomed over us. A gun barrel was pointed at my heart.
Hasta la vista, amigo...
then a intimidating
laugh...then, my vision went all black.
my vision cleared and I found myself tied to a stake.
Bart was still moaning, an arrow on his arm. I wriggled out my right hand, then my left, and then stood up,
legs numb. I pulled out the arrow from Bart’s arm. The injury had started to bleed and swell. I cleansed the
wound with some aloe vera I found a few days ago. “Mmmffhh...What? Eriksen, we’re in heaven?”
“We have to get out of this hellhole and get the killer as soon as possible! The question is, why
didn’t he kill us?”
“Maybe because we have a high identity and everyone would look for the killer if you had been
“Hmm...Little ones, looking for me?” A voice rang behind us. Bart and I swiveled around, only to
see the killer again.
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