HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 431

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Shatin Junior School, Ngai, Alpha - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ome on Joshua!
You need to get ready for the trip to Pearl River Delta!”
Joshua groaned.
He liked the life in Harbin and he did not want to move to Pearl
River Delta.
“Thank you for taking Samuel Airlines. Hope you enjoyed the flight.
See you next time.”
Joshua and his family went out of the airport and gasped.
They saw the tall buildings, cars buzzing by, and
other heavy traffic.
None of them were used to such traffic, for at Harbin it was mostly quiet.
The river
delta, also known as the Golden Delta of Guangdong, is formed by three major rivers, the Xi Jiang, Bei
Jiang, and Dong Jiang.
The Pearl River Delta is the low-lying area surrounding the Pearl River estuary
where the Pearl River flows into the South China Sea.
It was one of the most densely urbanized regions in
the world and one of the main hubs of china’s economic growth.
Joshua was very excited to explore the
Pearl River Delta.
Joshua had no time to play, for the next day would be his first day at Pearl River Delta Primary School in
Joshua secretly hoped that the kids at school would be as good as his old friends.
He hoped they
liked soccer, for that was his favourite sports.
He was amazed of the difference between Harbin and Pearl
River Delta and wanted to find out more.
On Joshua’s first day at school, he found out people eat different food in Pearl River Delta.
When he
opened his lunch box, children were curious and all took a look of his lunch – his favourite spicy chili with
rice and chicken.
Peter, a kid from his school frowned when he saw Joshua’s lunch box and
“That is ONE spicy lunch.
No one eats such spicy food here.”
Joshua was embarrassed with
Peter’s horrified look.
Joshua also had a hard time communicating with people.
Although they all spoke Mandarin, they spoke
with a different accent and used different slang.
Joshua sometimes did not understand what people
Joshua was behind in school work too because he did different subjects at his old school.
knew that life was going to be hard because there were so many different cultural differences.
The people
are bigger and taller in Harbin.
Joshua was the average height at his school in Harbin.
Joshua was the tallest
in his class at Pearl River Delta School.
Joshua felt strange being the tallest and Joshua was not used to look
down to people to make conversation.
After 3 months in Pearl River Delta, Joshua started to get used to the living style in Pearl River Delta.
Joshua still missed the mountains and green fields in Harbin.
At the same time, Joshua also liked the
cosmopolitan environment in Pearl River Delta.
Joshua missed playing soccer with his friends in Harbin.
But his classmates do not play soccer.
One day,
miraculously Joshua saw some kids playing soccer in the street.
He sat down to watch.
Suddenly, one of
the Lion’s team player broke his ankle.
After the Lion’s team settled him down, they looked around for
someone else to replace his role.
One of the Lion’s team player asked Joshua, “Hi, do you want to
He asked.
Joshua nodded and the Lion’s team player immediately passed Joshua the Lion’s team
Joshua was in his school soccer team in Harbin and he led his school to win the Inter-school
championship 2 times.
Without introducing to each other, the match got underway.
The Wolf team quickly got possession of the
Even though it was obvious that the Wolf team were better than the Lion team, Joshua tackled the
player who had the ball and took possession.
Joshua glided skillfully passed two defenders and did a quick
one with a teammate.
When he saw the goalie of the Wolf not paying attention to the ball, he dribbled the
ball into the net.
Immediately the players on the Wolf stopped doing whatever they were doing and just
stared at Joshua.
Never had they thought that Joshua would be such a good soccer player.
Meanwhile, the
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