HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 455

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
SKH Chu Oi Primary School, Chen, Yuko - 12, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time, I was a fifteen year old girl named Yuko. I was born in 1999. My father and
mother were fish farmers. I lived on a boat in Hong Kong. There were three members in my
family. There were my parents and me. My dad and mum were good at fishing. They were fifty
years old and forty years old. They met in the green fields because they were caught fish by themselves at
that time and they met themselves by accident. Then, they liked each other after they have met many times
and they married happily. Although their parents did not like them, they still married because they loved
each other very much. I was the daughter of my family. I can swim very fast and catch fish very well too.
One day, my father and mother went to catch some fresh and delicious fish and some sea animals which
were living besides my home and we could catch fish conveniently. I was at home lonely because my
parents thought that I was so young so they did not let me to go with them. Also, I hoped my parents can
come earlier because I am too hungry. If they come back home, I will eat fish after they have washed fish.
When my dad and mum did not come home, I could not wait them so I caught some fish to eat by myself.
Suddenly, my tummy was pain. I think the reason were fish were dirty and the river had many rubbish
so I felt very painful. I went to the hill that nearby my home to pick up some special and had magic power
green plants that can make the medicine to cure me quickly became a bit better. At that time, my parents
came home and some neighbours told them they saw that I was not here. My parents were worried and
anxious so they found me everywhere. They found neighbours ’home and looked for me was I playing with
neighbours but they did not find me. They also found the pier which was nearby our home that they
thought I went to fishing to catch some fish to eat but they did not find me too. They became more and
more fearful that maybe I went with some strangers or caught by others or some robbers killed me and I will
be died or some thieves stole my money. They could not find me and returned our home. They walked
around and walked around home because they were so worried and a little bit sad.
When I have already picked up the green plants which have magic power, I found a small cave in the
hill. I am very adventurous so I went inside curiously. Inside the cave, there have a lot of precious plants,
fruits, gold coins, jewels, gold bracelets etc. I stared and opened mouth at them. I found an adorable toy bear
and suddenly it became real girl called Jane. She was friendly and nice. Although I thought it is impossible, it
is truth. She said The Pearl River was so dirty and had a lot of rubbish so it did not want to live next to The
Pearl River and she escaped to a tiny cave. Therefore, no one could find her and she could had a clean place
which could live there. Also, she could get the freedom of her. It was because in long time ago, it had a
pretty master called Jasmine but she thought the toy bear was too old, too torn and dirty so she threw away
on the long road. After she threw the cute toy bear that now was Jane away, Jane found a tiny cave and no
one were there so she decided to live the cave. When we travelled around the cave, we saw someone’s
shadow behind us and saw some gallery of the ghost on the wall of the tiny cave. When we turned back, we
could not see anything but when we continued walking, we still saw someone’s shadow behind us. We
were frightened and worried so we walked quickly. After we walked this road of the gallery on the wall, we
talked gladly and played together happily. We played a lot of games gladly and we felt enjoyable that we
thought was interesting, such as fun paper- scissors-stones and interesting hopscotch. We played and
chatted together until at half past five. We became good friends. From then on, I always go to the cave to
find Jane plays and talks.
In the end, they found me in the hill and they come back with me happily and we felt over the moon
too. They looked after me meticulously. After I ate medicine which is made from some particular and magic
plants, I became more and more and better gradually. My parents and I were very gleeful and pleasurable
that my tummy can became not painful. I was thanked to my parents that they could look after me. From
then on, I always go to the hill which is nearby my home to go to the small cave to play with Jane gratefully
and nicely. I told my parents had a new friend and took my friend called Jane went my home happily. My
parents were delighted that I could have a new friend because I had not many good and nice friends. My
mum and dad told Jane who was my friend that my parents agreed I could become new friend together and
my parents told Jane she should often talk to me happily. I understood that we should protect the Pearl
River well and we could not make the environment more and more worse or will make animals and plants
died through this happened. Besides, it also will make people who lived nearby the Pearl River sick
seriously or maybe people who were living next to The Pearl River will die.
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