HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 572

Fiction: Group 2
Tom said,‘If the beggars didn’t have value, why would they be on our world? And…’
He took out a bag,‘I found it afterwards. I think the whirlpool sucked this with me. It was the man who
talked with me.’ So, he told him the whole story.The police officer nodded,‘You’re right.We should take care
of it.And the man is DannyYan, a notorious person in the world.We must contact the Guang Zhou police.’
After the Guang Zhou police knew all the information, they went to work and they caught all of DannyYan
and his evil gang.They pleaded for not to be guilty and asked for proof. So, the lawyers brought out Tom.
When they sawTom, they all fell silent.They listened to Tom’s evidence and tears were falling down their
cheeks like the non-stopping rain.Tom spoke with confidence and stern, everyone believed him.At last,
DannyYan and his evil gang had retreated.They were sent to jail for ten years and were fined for $1,000,000.
The government also learnt that everyone has their own reason to be on the world. So, the ceremony
finished with a happy mood and now everyone was happy.
A whirlpool reappeared and sucked Tom into it.The next thing he knew, he was back in his small hut.The
fire is not burning, but the sun is shining and a new day begins.You can see everyone has value in this world.
Everyone is talking happily.And Tom has finished his homework.Then, he raced to the park to play with his
friends below the yellow sun.
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