HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 571

Fiction: Group 2
Tom’s Adventurous Adventure
Ying Wa Primary School, Wong, Samuel - 11, Fiction: Group 2
ain flurried.The rain was falling like thousands of sharp needles attacking the city.They fell onto
the people, making them groan and walking faster and faster, avoiding to be attacked.The needles
fell onto a small hut, which was made by wood. It was covered with raindrops, dirt and soot.
Inside the hut, it was more a disaster.The floor was covered by dust bunnies, cobwebs were in the corners of
the house and the table was full of ketchup and scraps.The people in it wore rags, they did not even have
pyjamas. Every meal, they would eat the plain bread with dried cheese.They wore thin rags which made
them shudder even in summer. It had only three rooms, one bedroom, one living room and one washroom.
Each room could only put three beds at most.They used fire as light.While the rain was pouring down, a
boy was doing his homework.The first page was written,‘Student:TomWong’.
Outside, the rain had not stopped yet. It went through the hut’s chimney, putting out the fire. Suddenly,Tom
saw only darkness. He couldn’t see his fingers. But then, he saw a big ball of light coming towards him.Then,
Tom saw clearly, the light was a whirlpool with a black hole.The light inside was even brighter than the sun.
Tom couldn’t dare to look. Suddenly, the whirlpool and the black hole were larger than ever. It sucked Tom
inside.‘Ahh!’ He screamed,‘Someone help me pl –’.Then there was a silence.
Tom woke up from the black hole incident. He stammered,‘Wh –Where am I?’ He was determined to find
out the answer. He asked a person passing by.‘Hello, where are we? And what time is it?’The person
answered,‘We are in Hong Kong, 1997, and the speech of the handover of sovereignty of Hong Kong and its
ceremony is about to start!’ He was excited about it so he was jumping up and down.The man then said,
‘You can come with me to go toWan Chai to watch the ceremony of Hong Kong’s sovereignty handover.’
Tom shouted excitedly,‘Thank you. Of course I would like to watch.’ So, he and the man went toWan Chai.
On the way, the man asked Tom where he came from, and Tom told him his story of the whirlpool, the black
hole, the rain, etc.The man nodded while Tom was speaking, but Tom noticed that a sly and evil smile
appeared on his face.Tom wasn’t sure about it, so he forgot it quickly.
Tom went to watch the ceremony of the handover of Hong Kong’s sovereignty. However, suddenly, the man
ran away sneakily and Tom hardly noticed it.When he noticed it, the man was already running towards the
corner of another street.Tom decided to follow the man. He ran and ran, until to the corner of another
street.Then, he saw the man turn left, so he followed.
He turned around, and ran again.Then he heard some voices,‘Help us, mister! Give us some money, please!’
Then,Tom saw a hundred beggars bow towards him.Tom said surprisingly,‘Why are you all bowing towards
me?’The beggars all wore thin clothes, no thicker than paper.They said,‘Because you will save us.The book
‘prophecy’ told us a young boy would arrive in 1997 from the future. He would be in thin rags.And there
you are.’‘But who is the man who ran away from me?’Tom asked.‘You will know it later,’ they said.Then
suddenly, the same whirlpool appeared and sucked Tom inside.
Tom didn’t sleep this time. He saw some sights and he knew it was Guang Zhou. Suddenly,Tom saw the man
who talked with him in Hong Kong. He saw other people, too.They all had scars on their faces.They were
sitting in a circle, laughing loudly and crackling with an evil mood.Tom felt troubled, so he walked as a
passer-by.‘Ha ha!We will capture their ‘saviour’ first, then we will sell them to other country as slaves and
servants!’‘We will succeed easily and the beggars can’t escape! We will be rich!’‘Ha! Ha! Ha!’They all
laughed loudly.Tom was scared.What should he do? Luckily, the whirlpool reappeared, and sucked Tom back
to 1997 in Hong Kong.
Tom went to the police station immediately. He told the police all about it.The police officer listened to
Tom’s words patiently.
Then, he said,‘The beggars have no value for our city.We shouldn’t save them.And do you have any proof?’
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