Are there any make-up trends this season that I can create
at home?
Yes! From fashion weeks to all of the awards shows, the fabulous
“cat eye” of the 1950s and ’60s is in, and isn’t terribly difficult to
do yourself.
The secret to any eyeliner application is that you draw the lines first,
and then clean them up to look the way you want. A perfect cat eye is,
by any standard, nearly impossible to draw freehand. I always draw the
lines first – using a long-bristle paint-brush style eyeliner brush – and then
go over them again for extra drama. Then I use a fine-point cotton bud
dipped in make-up remover to shape it to the look I want.
There’s no hard and fast rule about where to draw your lines – it’s
really all about where you like them and how high you want to wing
them. If you see a look you like in a magazine or on YouTube, then keep
practising until you can do it yourself. It could be that the line/wing style
you like isn’t easy to create – just keep practising!
You’ll also have to figure out which type of eyeliner you prefer, and
you might have to try a few to find your perfect fit. I like to use a gel, and
prefer Mac’s Fluidline Blacktrack gel eyeliner, which I find to be ultra-
smooth and easy to apply, as well as long-wearing and smudge-proof.
hair stylist and
make-up artist
Rennie Fensham
is well-known for
her passion and
skills. Her glamorous background
spans 30 years of working in beauty,
fashion and TV, in South Africa, the
US and, for the last eight years, in
Hong Kong. Check out her salon,
Hollywood Hair, at 23F, 1 Duddell
Street, Central.
Smart mums know that
smart. But,
many of us also prefer
the way we look with
a nice tanned glow.
What to do? My new
favourite solution is
Caribbean Tan self-
tanner ($400, available
at my salon). The
bottle’s measured-release dispenser,
along with the included mitt, allows
you to apply it easily, with as little
mess as possible. About 15 minutes of
application and drying time will result
in a week or more of lovely glow. A
miracle in a bottle, I say!
During a Hong Kong winter, we really
don’t have too much sun damage to
worry about. Not only were most of us
indoors more than usual, but when we
were outside, we were likely protected
with multiple layers of clothing. But, with
a little luck, that’s all past and sunshiney,
warm days are just around the corner.
Your skin might be pretty dried out
from the winter and more apt to burn if
it’s exposed to the sun without protection.
Hong Kong
So, get your sun block out and get back
into the habit of applying it daily.
There are several great sun blocks
available, and you’ll have to figure out
which one works best with your skin. If
you can sample a few different products,
that’s ideal, since some might be too oily
or too strong for your skin, both of which
can cause break-outs.
Before you apply that sunscreen to
your face, be sure to use your moisturiser.
That first layer is important for keeping
your skin healthy and hydrated. Then
apply your sunscreen. If you use make-
up, that comes next – foundation, then
powder, then the finishing touches of
your make-up routine.