HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 262

away and the other troops poured in. The God said,” It is time for you to overcome the difficulties
and show your believe in yourself. Be brave and fight for yourself!” Pling-plang! Pling-plang!
Pling-plang! The noise of swords crashing towards each other grew louder and louder. Some
surrendered and transformed into angels. They helped John a lot.
One of the angels shot an arrow of forgiving on the heart of the leader of their opposition.
In the end, they found the house and put flag in it. Their mission was accomplished. Young and
handsome princes went out companying the beautiful princesses. All of them couldn’t believe
their eyes. The God said,” You may all choose your most favourite sweethearts and take them
home.” Of course, John and the angels found their lovers and lived happily ever after.
John asked,” May I take my darling home?” The God replied,” Yes, of course. For the
contributions and the courage you gave yourself, I‘m impressed by you and you should take
whatever you like home.”
After the farewell with the angels, John was made to sleep and woke up in a nice-decorated
room with the things that he liked. His pretty wife, valuable collections, and he was even a prince
then. John got up and told his wife, “We shall believe in ourselves. Nothing is impossible. We
may even create miracles in our own powers. Also, we shall treasure the things that we own now,
otherwise they will be in vain. In every situation, we shall treat the problems, or even crisis,
positively. Never think of harming people. Indeed, helping the others by your side is the most
suitable method. In addition, we need to adopt usable advice from trustable people. Otherwise, I’m
certain that we won’t be prince and princess.”
Her wife nodded and went out for a walk with John, the Prince.
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