HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 260

After the rest, we kept going further and further. Then all of a sudden, we saw a temple.
Curiously, we walked inside it and had a peek. The temple was for worshiping some kinds of god,
it looked like an elf. We were scared and surprised when an elf suddenly appeared in front of us.
It was of the same height as me. However, it couldn’t speak English so we couldn’t understand
what it is saying. The more surprising thing was that my pet dat suddenly spoke! “He asked you
what you are doing here, master.” I almost fainted because of the talking dat. “You can talk?” I
shouted. I rubbed my eyes and couldn’t believe what was happening. “Punch me,” said Ben. It
seemed that he too couldn’t believe what was happening. “Master, he’s asking you,” the dat told
me again. “We are here for… for… exploring.” I said. “Woof, woof woof boo,” the dat said. Again,
we heard the strange language. “Leave now!” the dat explained. “Why?” we asked. “Cause this is
not your world,” The elf said. “If we let you human step into this world, we’re over,” the elf added.
“But we won’t, actually. We’re here to develop and modernize this area,” we explained. “You see,
we love our life style and we don’t want to make any changes. If you were me, you would do the
same thing,” he said. “Really,” I thought. “If this was my home, I would do everything to protect
it.” Therefore we said, “Sure, we will leave now. We won’t destroy this beautiful place.” We said.
Just as we were leaving, the elf shouted, “Hey, tell your kind to protect the environment
and treasure what you own now!” and then he disappeared. It seemed to be a dream, but it was
real. An elf would do anything to protect its home and so will we. The elf’s order? I’m definitely
following it!
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