HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 259

“Gobi is not your place, it’s ours”
King’s College, Hung Wan Sunny, Fiction: Group 3
he Gobi Desert seems to be a very peaceful place in the day time. However it is bustling
with noise at night. Deep in the Gobi Desert is a city that has all kinds of creatures,
elves, dwarfs, monsters… however humans are developing the area so the life of the city
is changing. The original citizens have to hide all the time, and they are losing their
power and freedom. Therefore, the King of Gobi decided to send out his army of elves to protect
their home.
Whenever people walk into the desert, an elf will follow them. At night, it will destroy their
compass to ensure that people will not go further into the desert. I am one of the victims.
My name is John and I am an explorer. I was traveling to Gobi Desert with an Investigation
group to try to develop the desert into a modern city. We were well prepared before entering the
desert. As we were walking, I had a strange feeling that someone or something was stalking me.
However, when I checked behind me, there wasn’t even a thing. I was puzzled. I asked one of the
others, “Hey, do you feel like someone is staring at us?” However he answered,” Shut up, maybe
it’s just a bug.” Honestly, I really hoped it was a bug, there was a creepy feeling about this.
As we walked further and further into the desert, we saw lots of animals and insects, like
camels, scorpions, and of course, humans. Walking on the sand is difficult, so I really wanted a
pair of camel shoes because camels can walk on sand easily.
“Ok, this is far enough. Set up camp and start working,” the captain ordered us. Within an
hour, everything was set. Suddenly, I felt someone was staring at us again. I looked around,
nobody. “Maybe I’m a bit oversensitive,” I told myself.
We started to explore the landscape, humidity, and weather. We worked and worked. At last, it
was time for bed.
The next morning, we continued going forward. However, my pet, Betty, which is a dat (a
hybrid of a dog and a cat) jumped out of my bag and ran in the opposite direction. “This is weird,”
I thought, so I asked the captain, “Are we going in the right direction?” “Of course we are,” he
replied. After I told him what I thought, he laughed and said, “Nonsense, the compass says this
way. We shouldn’t believe in a dat.” However, my friend, Ben, who studies animals, said, “No,
I think we should follow the dat. After all, an animal’s instincts are better than a compass.”
Because the captain didn’t believe us, he told us he would be waiting for us on the other side. At
last, the team was separated into two. Suddenly, I had that strange feeling again.
As we kept walking, it became hotter and hotter, and the worst thing was, we had run out of
water. “We couldn’t survive without water! What will do we do now?” Ben asked me. Suddenly,
my dat barked at us. It seemed that it wanted us to follow it. To my surprise, it led us to something
remarkable. “Hooray!” I shouted. It was a well filled with clean water. We quickly poured the
water into our mouths. “This is the best water I’ve ever drunk!” Ben shouted. After drinking, we
continued our journey.
Continuing on our journey, the view was more beautiful than before. There were more trees, the
sky appeared bluer and clearer. We found the view so breathtaking that we decided to take a rest
and appreciate it. We played in the sand like kids. We built a sand castle, had a race, and even dug
holes. It was wonderful! Suddenly, I felt very uncomfortable again. Someone else was here, I knew.
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