HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 286

stream, my body felt really weird, and I was kinda pulled into the water. In the water, I could
feel it wrapping around my whole body, and before I even realized, I felt more powerful than
ever and I was a fully transformed snake. As for the latter, I don’t really think I can. It seems like
a permanent thing. Well, there goes my chance of studying abroad. He sighed theatrically. Or
hissed, actually.
Well, I’ll just have to get used to having a snake, eh lil’ bro? I throttled the reptile gently and
put him on my shoulders. There. We’ll go faster like this. I set off happily and turned back for a
bit. I thought I should pay my respects to the oasis, but when I looked back, it was no longer there.
Was it a trick, or was it a mythical legend of the magical Gobi Desert?
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