HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 294

was my son.
He also explained why he could show us all these amazing things. He told us that there was
a magical spell on this desert. He used the magic powers to represent them to us. Finally, he said
he came from the future. That explains why I couldn’t recognize him and why the dining room
suddenly turned into a desert. He has also told us that if we didn’t stop using water inefficiently,
the world would become a desert one day and would not be suitable for human beings to live in
again. I felt very sorry about this and I promised to teach people to cherish their water. Before we
went, I asked him the last question,
‘How can we get back?’
‘Well that’s easy!’ he said,’ Turn round three times and you’ll both see your home again!’ he said.
I didn’t believe him at first, but my wife persuaded me. So we said our goodbyes and turned
round three times. A miracle happened, and we were having our steak in the dining room! We ate
while we talked about our plans to promote water saving to stop the earth from turning into a desert.
The very next morning, we started to set up an organization to promote our mission, ’Save
ourselves! Stop wasting water!’ and we started out by inviting volunteers to help us with our plans.
A few years later, our campaign turned out to be a big success. We were also awarded a prize
for being the best organization of the year. My wife has also given me the most precious gift - a
baby boy! We both agreed to call him Gobi, and the desert we’d been to as the Gobi Desert.
After our son graduated from university, he said he wanted to know why his name was Gobi.
So we took him to the Gobi Desert and explained everything to him. Suddenly, an adorable girl
passing by attracted Gobi. He soon gave no attention to what we were explaining to him but
stood up, went up to the girl and asked to marry her. Although we both didn’t want to agree
to let Gobi marry her hastily, we asked him if he really would not regret and if the girl agreed.
They answered positively and begged for our permission. As we both thought they were really in
love, we approved of their marriage and they got married in a very special way. That is building
a sandcastle and held the ceremony there. And as for me and my wife, we decided to keep on
running our business and promote the saving of water in the sandcastle to commemorate such
an inspiring and unexpected ending. We all hope that this sandcastle will remind every single
person in the world to cherish water for a better living for the coming generations.
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