HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 293

Stop wasting water
Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School, Wai Ho Tsun Miyake, Fiction: group 3
I was watching television on the sofa while my wife was cooking dinner.
She yelled out from the kitchen, ‘Honey! Dinner’s ready! Would you like me to serve it now?’
‘Yes, please!’ I replied.
When we were having our dinner enjoyably, something happened. A strange wind blew past,
and suddenly all the lights went out. We were so frightened that we rushed into our bedroom
immediately, trying to ignore the wind and hoping we would fall asleep as soon as possible.
‘Honey?’ asked my wife fearfully.
‘Yes?’ I replied.
‘Has the wind stopped yet?’
‘I think it has.’
‘Shall we go out and have a look?’ she asked curiously.
‘Well, as long as you want to,’ I said with a smile.
Then we put on our jackets and walked downstairs, step by step, inch by inch.
Suddenly, my wife yelled,
‘What’s up?’ I asked.
‘Our dining room… has become a desert!’ she exclaimed.
‘You must be kidding! How could a normal indoor dining room become a desert?’ I questioned.
‘Ah!’ I yelled,’ It really has become a desert!’
‘What shall we do?’ my wife asked.
At that moment, I couldn’t think of a thing to say. I just wanted to cry! Why could a joyful
night suddenly turn into a nightmare?
My wife suddenly said, ‘Shall we walk around it?’
‘Maybe,’ I said, ’There’s nothing else we can do.’
And so our journey began.
A while later, a little boy with his camel came forward.
‘Oh! Hi, my name’s Gobi. What’s yours?’
‘I’m John and this is Mary, my wife.’ I replied.
‘Oh John! I can’t believe it’s you! Don’t you recognize who am I?’ he said excitingly.
‘Sorry, do I know you? I don’t think I’ve met you before.’
‘How dare you forget your dear son! Don’t you remember me?’ he said.
‘Sorry, but I really don’t think I have a son!’ I replied.
‘Then let me show you,’ he said with disappointment.
We followed him to the nearest river, and we sat down in a circle and listened to him
patiently. At that moment, I was worrying about how I could forget someone, but I really couldn’t
think of a person called Gobi, especially who was our son!
He showed us the past, the present and the future, trying to explain to us the evidence that he
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