HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 288

Princess Shrana. Meanwhile, Shrana felt restless and thirsty. She was trying to think of a plan to
save herself when she heard shouting voices. She thought,
“Maybe there’s still hope for me yet…”
However, the men who were riding their camels towards Shrana were not good men. They
were cruel, wicked men who did not respect women at all and believed in slavery. When they saw
Shrana, they laughed their fiendish laughs.
They asked in Mongolian,
“What are you doing here, little girl?”
Shrana tried to describe what happened with gestures, but the men just got more and more
impatient. So, for the first time in her life, Shrana whispered,
The men tied her hands up and forced Shrana to follow them back on foot to their homeland.
Princess Shrana had no choice but to follow them. She became a beggar in the poor streets and
died a tragic death. However, the people from Shrana’s hometown still held on to the hope that
Shrana was still alive in the Gobi Desert. They searched for her for days and nights. Slowly, they
learnt more and more about the Gobi Desert and the animals in it. However, they never found
their beautiful Princess Shrana.
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