HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 279

New Tales of the Gobi Desert
Korean International School, Benjamin Yan Chee Teo, Fiction: Group 3
n all my years of exploring different wonders of the world, there is one place I recall.
This beautifully amazing place of many legends and tales connected religions and people
together. Here is the story of how I met the master keeper of the ancient skull relic which
was said to kill anyone with an impure soul.
An ordinary Monday; I was starving and exhausted but I had work none the less. I dragged
my sorry legs into the toilet hoping to start fresh; as soon as I got into the shower I reliased my
boxers were still on and apparently soaking wet! Jeez! I peeled the drenched boxers off and threw
them in my laundry basket. I dried my soapy body and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I
grabbed a coffee and drove slowly to my office in my red convertible.
“Jamesss!” yelled Martha “You’re late boss!”. I rolled my eyes at her as we walked into my
office and she started yapping. By the way, my name is James. I’m the CEO of Life Magazine:
the #2 top selling magazine in America. Martha told me how our sales were plummeting due to
cliché celebrity couples. So I asked her how or what we could do to bring our sales back up. She
told me that the only way to blast our sales was to talk about modern news that the world cared
about. She continued to tell me about a free tour to the Gobi Desert and the ruins of The Ancient
Sun People. What choice did I have? It was either that or bye-bye company. I went straight home
to pack and got on the next plane for Mongolia. My secretary gave me some reasearch so I would
have more encyclopedic knowledge on the Gobi Desert: did you know it is the 5th largest desert in
the world? The first dinosaur eggs were discovered there! Wow!
I got off the plane, grabbed my bags and looked to see if my personal transport was ready,
I walked outside and spotted a guy with a green hat holding a sign that said ‘Mr.James’ LIFE
MAGAZINE’. I walked towards him; we greeted each other and he showed me to my bike. I looked
at him like it was a joke and laughed for a while before realising he was serious.
I rode off on my botched bike into the dark night ; for some reason I felt like Batman but
without the cape. I arrived at my hotel. It was a tacky 3-story high fleabag with broken windows
and doors. I checked in and slipped into bed without a shower. ‘DINGDINGDING’ I was awoken
by an ear piercing screech that traumatized my ears. I was dizzy and paralized not to mention
hungry. I got out of bed, barel,y and slipped into a new set of clothes and went out to meet up
with the free tour.
I took a public bus to the edge of Mongolia and met up with the rest of the tour. The view was
spectacular! It was like hotheaven. The sun warmed my heart and the sky brought life into me.
Every other magazine company was there with their big-ass cameras and full body gear. All I had
was a water bottle, my Iphone and 100 rmb in coins. Everybody stared at me like I was Rudolph;
an outcast from the rest of the group.
“Hello everybody,” said a voice from behind me “I’m your tour guide for the Gobi Desert my
name is Claire.” I turned around and my jaw dropped seven feet; she was the most beautiful girl
I’ve ever seen. Her eyes sparkled and her smile warmed up my heart. She’s so stunning even the
stars stopped shining.
I was actually interested in learning something new, but actually It was Claire that kept me
focused. I couldn’t resist trying to get on her good side and impressing her with my knowledge
from wikipedia. Our last stop of the tour was an ancient library filled with books from the distant
past and artifacts in glass casings. She told us a story of how a protective family have sworn their
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