HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 285

paranormal powers.
We put them on and closed our eyes in concentration. Jan was specializes in hypnotism, but I
excel in illusions. Hypnotism works in the brains, while illusions commence in the surroundings
which, in other words, in the eyes. I could hear the screams of our enemy and the victorious
yell of our captain. Every battle, we are sent to incapacitate our opposing enemy whenever the
commander doesn’t have one hundred percent confidence our troop can beat the enemy.
I sighed deeply and pushed Jan out in the open. I glanced sorrowfully at the corpses and
bloody sand. I wheeled Jan around absentmindedly and I only came to when Jan tapped my hand.
“Judy? You okay?” He asked worriedly.
“Yeah, sure.” I smiled at him and looked at our surroundings. We were no longer in the bloody
field. Instead, we were in the middle of an oasis.
“Where are we?” I muttered silently.
“I’m a bit thirsty. Judy, can we stop for a while?”
“Of course. I think there’s a stream over there, how about we stop there?” I suggested and Jan
nodded in agreement. But, when we reached the place, it was no ordinary stream. I glittered like
sparkling sapphires. I cupped up some water for Jan. He slurped it down quickly and immediately
asked for seconds.
“Can I have some more?” He pleaded.
“How about I let you down your wheelchair and you drink directly from the stream?” Jan was
only too happy to obey. He was drinking happily when suddenly both of us froze. But I doubt it
was the same reason. I tensed at the booming voice of a very familiar one.
“You thought you could escape from my fingertips, hmm?” Darn Smith. I turned to help Jan
back to his wheelchair, but when I looked, he wasn’t there.
“Jan? Jan!” I whirled frantically, only spotting numerous little insects and animals, no Jan. I
could hear Smith stomping the way through the trees and firing his gun at screaming monkeys. I
was much too into shock to react to Smith’s gun jabbed to my brain. I couldn’t focus on my power
and I was led away obediently.
Just then, a huge, green serpent flew out of the stream. I turned my head a second late, and
when I looked, all soldiers surrounding me were lying on the ground, and Smith was withering
in pain, tossing and turning and groaning. My savior serpent looked up from the bodies. It had
beautiful, big blue eyes.
I nearly fainted.
Jan. I’d recognize that firm and unwavering gaze anywhere. Its slits were as wide as the
ocean, and as narrow as sky.
“Jan? Jan, is-is that you?” I whispered as I approached it. The blue eyes gazed at me wistfully
and nodded its big giant head.
Judy, don’t freak, okay? Chill. It appears that I am a big, fat snake right now.
I have concluded that much. Why can you get into my head?
Well, I suppose my power had increased, or perhaps doubled throughout the transformation. It
is rather handy. And you used to be better than me. I watched in amazement as the corner of Jan’s
mouth creak into a grin.
How did this... this transformation happen? Can you change back to human? I exploded a
million questions at him.
Chill, sis. I don’t know how this happened. I only know that after I drank the water from that
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