HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 280

lives to defend the relic of the ancient skull. A myth, or so I thought.
I followed my crush back into the library wondering why she was still there. She walked up
to a book shelf and pulled out one of the books. The shelf suddenly shifted to the side and there
unfolded a dark passage. She suspicioiusly looked around before entering and stepped inside. The
shelf started repositioning itself back into place. I ran for it and slipped in just in time before it
slammed shut. It was a long way down, lit by hundreds of torches strapped onto the wall. Once we
reached the bottom, I heard multiple voices closing in on me. I quickly dived into a pile of coins.
When I heard no more foot-steps I surfaced to see if it was safe to come out and I saw her. It was
Claire and this time she was in a beautiful Chinese silk robe. Her hair was intrinsically tied up.
Beside her were two buff and ferocious Chinese men.
I overheard that Claire didn’t have enough money to pay the ransom for her grandfather and
that they wanted the relic; these men were going to kill him if she didn’t pay. The older man drew
his sword,he stepped back pulled his arm up and slashed Claire in the face. My body was filled
with raging anger. I dashed out of the pile of coins at the speed of light and collided into the old
man. I felt like the Hulk. I took her by the hand with a tight grip and we ran as fast as we could.
They looked enraged, “Very nice to meet you gentlemen,” I said “I was beginning to think you
guys were scared of me.” “NI BU GAI, XIANG XI MA?” replied the old guy. He threw me his other
sword and at the same time drew his, we immediately started swinging at each other; a battle
royal. Neither side gave in but soon someone shall fall because in every battle only ‘1 SHALL
LIVE AND 1 SHALL FALL’. ‘SLASH’ ‘SLASH’ Our swords were holding each others weight. The
old man suddenly fell on his back. I held my sword to his throat. The other guy ran towards me.
Claire stepped out and threw a 16th century ming vase at him: he was out cold.
We tied him up and eventually got him to spit out the location of Claire’s grandpa. We arrived
at the chamber and discovered two doors of steel separated us from Claire’s grandpa. I started
pushing, slamming, doing anything I could to break through those steel doors. They were as thick
as elephant legs. “James!” she yelled, “Let me do it!” I stepped aside and let her try, she walked up
to the wall and pushed the nose of the lion. ‘RUMBLE’ ‘CREAK’ the walls started shifting.
As the doors were opening, we could see a man chained to the wall. We rushed in and started
picking the chains with hair pins which held up Claire’s hair. ‘CLING’ ‘CLING.’ One by one the
chains fell off. Claire was so overwhelmed we finally freed her grandpa that she gave me a hug.
I let her reunite with her grandpa and I turned around. As I did, I saw the two men from before.
They pushed the nose of the lion and the doors started closing, ‘RUMBLE’ ‘CREAK.’ The walls
started closing. “The walls only open from the outside!” Claire shouted “RUN”. I sprang into action
and raced to the entrance of the chamber. I was not going to let her down. I ran until my legs
were numb. Just as the doors slammed shut, I fell through the gap. The old guy picked me up and
started jabbing me in the stomach and face. I was literally taking a bloodbath. A final upper-cut
landed; finished me. I was completely paralized. I saw a white light, I ran away from it; Claire’s
voice kept telling me not to give up. Suddenly, a surge of energy broke through body; it gave me
hope, I stood up, put my hand up and signaled for more. Only this time they weren’t landing as
many punches as before; I waited for the right moment, and between the split second of punches I
raised my fist and punched them in the face. They flew across the floor and landed on each other.
I quickly pushed the nose of the lion and the walls blasted open. Claire carried her grandpa out
and I rushed over to help them. We carried him out of the library and I called the cops. Claire and
I retrieved the bodies of the two men; once everyone was out we sealed the entrance in the library
so no one would know it existed…
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