HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 427

The Magic Knife
Suzhou Singapore International School, JiSeon Hur, Fiction: Group 3
t was another sunny day in the Gobi Desert. However, the problem today was not about the
weather. It was about the lack of food they had remaining. The four girls had already left
their house for two weeks, and now they were in search of the magic knife, which is well
known for granting all wishes. In spite of the fact that they were hungry and thirsty, they
still didn’t give up on their hope. Now the gigantic sphere was proudly showing off its glow and
rising above the horizon.
“Look! It’s water!” Sky pointed towards a sandy spot in the desert with nothing different than
the other places.
“Where?” Claire asked.
Before answering the question, Sky ran away. Claire had to follow Sky. Suddenly, Sky knelt
down below the hot sun, cupped her hands, placed them deep inside the sand, and ate it.
“Yuck!! What are you doing?” Claire asked. She was disgusted by what Sky did.
Suddenly, Sky started to cough.
“Are you okay?” Claire asked.
“I swallowed it.” Sky answered.
“You must have mistaken it as water! Lets go back to the tents and find a way to treat this
case.” Claire spoke with a worried face.
“Marine? Jorja? Help! Sky ate sand by mistake!”
“What happened?” asked Jorja.
“Is it partly due to illusion?” Marine inquired.
“Yes.” Claire answered.
“How did that happen?” Jorja asked.
“She thought the sand was water.” replied Claire.
“Okay. That’s odd. Let me go get some water for you.” Jorja said doubtfully.
After 1 minute, Jorja brought a bottle of water along with a medicine.
“This should be good. You feeling better?” Jorja said as she handed the medicine and the
water bottle.
“She is asleep. I think she is tired from all this rush.” Claire said.
“How could she? She didn’t even do anything. We worked, but she didn’t.” Marine said.
“It would sure be painful if you ate sand. You would feel too stuffy to even talk.” Claire said.
“I understand, but in a situation like this, when we are all so exhausted, shouldn’t she at least
try to do something?” Marine asked rudely.
“She did. She said sorry.” Claire replied.
“Oh, like saying sorry would make up to everything.” Marine whispered. Marine went out to
get some fresh air. Jorja followed her.
“Did she just say that I am not helping them? Like I did nothing in the past and I am just a
bunch of big load?” Sky said angrily.
“Oh, you weren’t sleeping!” Claire said. “I don’t know. She seems to be pissed because you got
injured and can’t help us anymore.” Claire said as she sighed heavily.
“She is so stubborn, you know? She is one of the people who never think of others.” Sky said.
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