HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 436

capable of.” She really had no reason to threaten us. She already had us wrapped tightly around
her little finger.
She then led us on a long, grueling walk- we hadn’t a clue where we were headed. Finally, we
arrived at a forsaken burial ground.
“Here.” She smiled, and for once there was no hint of arrogance in her voice, “Thank you for
helping.” she said, as Dad was on his knees, trying to bury the bones as deep in as possible.
“As if we had a choice.” I scoffed. Dad patted the sand, and stood up. He nodded, saying,
“Done.” He said in relief, “You can go- fly into the light, or whatever.” The ghost laughed in
“Thank you.” She smiled, floating away. I glanced at Dad, who grinned at me in reply.
“By the way, my name is Oyunbileg.” She said, turning around to bid us one last farewell, “I
suggest you head two meters up then turn left. You’ll find what you’re searching for.” I heard Dad
stifle a gasp upon hearing this.
We watched her float into the pile of dirt where Dad had buried her, and after that the whole
sky brightened up, the once eery atmosphere was now back to normal. However, the sky wasn’t
the only one that brightened up after Oyunbileg had left.
I spun around, as I watched Dad sprint childishly towards a headstone, and start digging next to it.
“What-” I began, but was interrupted by Dad’s booming laugh. He lifted something up
triumphantly, looking over to me, as if expecting the same reaction.
“Do you realize what this is?” He asked, “This is Queen Bolormaa’s lost tiara! Oyunbileg was
the princess- Bolormaa’s daughter!” I gaped- she was a princess?
“So, we’re going home?” I asked in shock. Dad nodded, still clutching the tiara tightly. He
lazily slung an arm around my shoulders, leading us back to our van.
“This’ll be one to tell the grandkids, eh?” Dad chuckled.
Dad, you have no idea.
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