HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 433

comfortable as possible, which was almost impossible in such inhumane terrains. The two lit up a
fire to keep the sudden drop in cold away, and to scare away any ravenous animals.
The next day, the two continued to walk downstream, where the rivulet opened into a wide
river. Spots of grass also spouted from the now muddy sand. They continued on their journey
upstream, and in the afternoon, hungry to the bone, the two found some smoke rising from what
looks like a small village
“At last!” Tyson exclaimed.
They mustered all their energy and were barely a few hundred meters away when the entire
village faded.
“A mirage?” Lotte said desperately.
“No!” Tyson wailed. “What now? Out of the frying pan into the fire! I’m exhausted.”
Once again, the two travellers continued. Again, they camped out in the freezing night. Again
they walked. But they just couldn’t run across a place with people. That is, until that afternoon.
After following the sound of rushing wa-ter, they found themselves at the end of the river, which
enlarged into a small waterfall, at the top of a cliff. Grass and trees stood around them. A village
stood underneath of them, in a valley below.
The wet ground beneath their feet crumbled, sending Tyson and Lotte tumbling heads over
heels to the valley below…
Tyson woke up with a jolt. He was lying on something soft. He cracked his eyes open, and
saw he had fallen asleep in the airport. What a weird and disturbing dream I had! Tyson thought.
Through the PA system, his flight to Shanghai was ready for boarding. He rummaged through his
belongings, found his passport and plane ticket, and was just about to board when he saw the face
of a girl walk past. It was Lotte.
He couldn’t stop himself and yelled. “Lotte!”
The girl turned around, her eyes resting on Tyson.
“How do you know my name? Do I know you?”
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